Solar System by apparent size and Calendar: Difference between pages

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[[image:20200621 Annular eclipse in Xiamen, China (cropped).jpg|thumb|[Image.] [[wikipedia:Solar eclipses|Solar eclipses]] are possible because (by coincidence) the apparent sizes of Sol and Luna are approximately equal.  When Luna passes in front of Sol, if Luna appears smaller than Sol, then an annular Solar eclipse occurs, and if Luna appears larger than Sol, then a total Solar eclipse occurs.  Photograph shows an Annular Solar Eclipse displaying the relative angular sizes of Luna and Sol.]]
[[image:Solar eclipses 2021-2040.png|thumb|[Image.]&ensp; The most exciting astronomical events to add to your calendar are Solar eclipses.&ensp; This map shows the eclipse paths for all total and annular Solar eclipses from 2021 to 2040. <ref><code>[[commons:category:Solar eclipses]]</code></ref> <ref><code>[[commons:category:Solar eclipse map]]</code></ref> <ref><code>[[commons:category:21st-century solar eclipse maps]]</code></ref>]]

<u>[[Solar System]]</u> objects sorted by apparent [[wikipedia:angular diameter|angular diameter]]. <ref><u><code>[[Solar System by size]]</code></u></ref> <ref><u><code>[[Solar System by orbit]]</code></u></ref>
<u>[[Nicole Sharp]]</u>'s calendar of events.

== gallery ==
Unasterisked astronomical events listed are visible from Maryland and states adjacent to Maryland (the region of Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, District of Columbia, and Delaware).&ensp; Asterisked (*) astronomical events are visible from the Contiguous United States of America (USA) but require traveling more than one state over from Maryland.

Astronomical events are listed for the current year (2023) plus the following two years (2024 to 2025), the first occurence before the current year (before 2023), and the first occurrence after the two years following the current year (after 2025).&ensp; Listing the most recent past occurence and next future occurrence for an event provides an estimation of how rare the event is.
Africa and Europe from a Million Miles Away.png | Terra (180°)
The Sun in white light.jpg | Sol (32.01')
FullMoon2010.jpg | Luna (31.6')
Jupiter and its shrunken Great Red Spot.jpg | Jupiter (36.38")
Saturn during Equinox.jpg | Saturn (16.7")
Venus from Mariner 10.jpg | Venus (13.5")
Mercury in true color.jpg | Mercury (6.27")
Mars - August 30 2021 - Flickr - Kevin M. Gill.png | Mars (5.13")
Uranus.jpg | Uranus (3.64")
Neptune - Voyager 2 (29347980845) flatten crop.jpg | Neptune (2.3")
Ganymede - Perijove 34 Composite.png | Ganymede (1.4")
Callisto - July 8 1979 (38926064465).jpg | Callisto (1.3")
Io highest resolution true color.jpg | Io (0.95")
Europa in natural color.png | Europa (0.81")
Titan in true color.jpg | Titan (0.74")
Ceres - RC3 - Haulani Crater (22381131691) (cropped).jpg | Ceres (0.44")
Vesta in natural color.jpg | Vesta (0.28")

== list ==
Up to three times are given for each event: when the event begins, when the event is at maximum effect, and when the event ends.

<ol start="0">
== schedule ==
<li>[[wikipedia:Planet Terra|Planet Terra]]: (3.1415926535897932384626433832795 = <var title="Archimedes">π</var>) <abbr title="radians">rad</abbr> = 18<u style="text-decoration: overline;">0</u> <abbr title="degrees">deg</abbr> (12.74M / 0)</li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Star Sol|Star Sol]]: 9.309<u>9</u>381622456608377567028963016 <abbr title="milliradians">mrad</abbr> = 32.00<u>5</u>209853467492394412374774496 <abbr title="arcminutes">arcmin</abbr> (1.393G / 149.6G) <ref><code>delta_Sol=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(696.342,0.065)*10^6/((Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Terran Satellite Luna|Terran Satellite Luna]]: 9.192<u>4</u>733415766236658905126057414 mrad = 31.60<u>1</u>395545531677869275770447370 arcmin (3.475M / 384.4M) <ref><code>delta_Luna=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(1.7375,0.0001)*10^6/((Quantity(384.399,0.001)*10^6)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Planet Jupiter|Planet Jupiter]]: 176.3<u>8</u>342059183204249972698706792 <abbr title="microradians">µrad</abbr> = 36.38<u>1</u>692073574341769062888511907 <abbr title="arcseconds">arcsec</abbr> (139.8M / 778.5G) <ref><code>delta_Jupiter=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(69.911,0.006)*10^6/(sqrt((Quantity(778.479,0.001)*10^9)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Planet Saturn|Planet Saturn]]: 80.8<u>0</u>4366614590771015035932939646 µrad = 16.6<u>6</u>7097023677906623999609656452 arcsec (116.5M / 1.434T) <ref><code>delta_Saturn=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(58.232,0.006)*10^6/(sqrt((Quantity(1.43353,0.00001)*10^12)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Planet Venus|Planet Venus]]: 65.5<u>5</u>7754895471439224993918452156 µrad = 13.5<u>2</u>2257611509048977196601587376 arcsec (12.1M / 149.6G) <ref><code>delta_Venus=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(6.0518,0.0010)*10^6/(sqrt((Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2+(Quantity(0.723332,1E-6)*149597870700)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Planet Mercury|Planet Mercury]]: 30.41<u>8</u>531890520777418473660749422 µrad = 6.274<u>2</u>725867193897525492834124436 arcsec (4.879M / 149.6G) <ref><code>delta_Mercury=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(2.4397,0.00010)*10^6/(sqrt((Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2+(Quantity(0.387098,1E-6)*149597870700)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Planet Mars|Planet Mars]]: 24.86<u>4</u>310071007387989563198840282 µrad = 5.128<u>6</u>320992640655002603020583460 arcsec (6.779M / 227.9G) <ref><code>delta_Mars=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(3.3895,0.0002)*10^6/(sqrt((Quantity(227.939366,1E-6)*10^9)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Planet Uranus|Planet Uranus]]: 17.6<u>4</u>3986266660484646561759683674 µrad = 3.63<u>9</u>3334087191538304117174747131 arcsec (50.72M / 2.871T) <ref><code>delta_Uranus=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(25.362,0.007)*10^6/(sqrt((Quantity(2.870972,1E-6)*10^12)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Planet Neptune|Planet Neptune]]: 10.9<u>4</u>0951094337036545922443091756 µrad = 2.25<u>6</u>7331576323856791155130374892 arcsec (49.24M / 4.498T) <ref><code>delta_Neptune=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(24.622,0.019)*10^6/(sqrt((Quantity(30.07,0.01)*149597870700)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Jovian Satellite Ganymede|Jovian Satellite Ganymede]]: 6.64<u>5</u>7516559391904488160888324418 µrad = 1.37<u>0</u>7846776786168771797746278470 arcsec (5.268M / 778.5G) <ref><code>delta_Ganymede=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(2.6341,0.0003)*10^6/sqrt((sqrt((Quantity(778.479,0.001)*10^9)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)^2+(Quantity(1.0704,0.0001)*10^9)^2)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Jovian Satellite Callisto|Jovian Satellite Callisto]]: 6.08<u>1</u>0996708582598711685808110014 µrad = 1.25<u>4</u>3168453788603898364781318473 arcsec (4.821M / 778.5G) <ref><code>delta_Callisto=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(2.4103,0.0015)*10^6/sqrt((sqrt((Quantity(778.479,0.001)*10^9)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)^2+(Quantity(1.8827,0.0001)*10^9)^2)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Jovian Satellite Io|Jovian Satellite Io]]: 4.59<u>5</u>8431873590778175870863250252 µrad = 0.947<u>9</u>6070458265793885064096711556 arcsec (3.643M / 778.5G) <ref><code>delta_Io=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(1.8216,0.0005)*10^6/sqrt((sqrt((Quantity(778.479,0.001)*10^9)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)^2+(Quantity(421.7,0.1)*10^6)^2)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Jovian Satellite Europa|Jovian Satellite Europa]]: 3.93<u>7</u>8516100190881273980359335144 µrad = 0.812<u>2</u>4019937040364887742618540130 arcsec (3.122M / 778.5G) <ref><code>delta_Europa=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(1.5608,0.0005)*10^6/sqrt((sqrt((Quantity(778.479,0.001)*10^9)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)^2+(Quantity(670.9,0.1)*10^6)^2)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Saturnian Satellite Titan|Saturnian Satellite Titan]]: 3.572<u>7</u>667268260305440699972133520 µrad = 0.7369<u>3</u>603667484382194570809689712 arcsec (5.149M / 1.434T) <ref><code>delta_Titan=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(2.57473,0.00009)*10^6/sqrt((sqrt((Quantity(1.43353,0.00001)*10^12)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)^2+(Quantity(1.22187,0.00001)*10^9)^2)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Minor Planet Ceres|Minor Planet Ceres]]: 2.1<u>3</u>40634690465546941919479637938 µrad = 0.44<u>0</u>18218796189391383987453951568 arcsec (939.4k / 414G) <ref><code>delta_Ceres=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(469.7,0.1)*10^3/(sqrt((Quantity(414.,1.)*10^9)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Minor Planet Vesta|Minor Planet Vesta]]: 1.36<u>9</u>3765737543177734686736150136 µrad = 0.282<u>4</u>5419366474700741821944755938 arcsec (525.4k / 353.3G) <ref><code>delta_Vesta=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(262.7,0.1)*10^3/(sqrt((Quantity(353.319,0.001)*10^9)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)),errors);</code></ref></li>
<li>[[wikipedia:Minor Planet Pallas|Minor Planet Pallas]]: 1.1<u>6</u>31259273490422140561661172389 µrad = 0.23<u>9</u>91194404562446380404693996124 arcsec (512k / 414G) <ref><code>delta_Pallas=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(256.,2.)*10^3/(sqrt((Quantity(414.,1.)*10^9)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)),errors);</code></ref></li>

* [[wikipedia:Saturnian Satellite Rhea|Saturnian Satellite Rhea]]: 1.059<u>4</u>540762423223413932314109441 µrad (1.527M / 1.434T) <ref><code>delta_Rhea=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(763.5,0.5)*10^3/sqrt((sqrt((Quantity(1.43353,0.00001)*10^12)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)^2+(Quantity(527.108,0.001)*10^6)^2)),errors);</code></ref>
Click the arrows next to the "event" tab to sort by event type.
* [[wikipedia:Minor Planet Hygiea|Minor Planet Hygiea]]: 8<u>7</u>7.95612878966701082816349506092 <abbr title="nanoradians">nrad</abbr> (433k / 470G) <ref><code>delta_Hygiea=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(216.5,4.)*10^3/(sqrt((Quantity(3.1415,0.0001)*149597870700)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)),errors);</code></ref>
* [[wikipedia:Neptunian Satellite Triton|Neptunian Satellite Triton]]: 601.<u>3</u>9237937640932702910508661970 nrad (2.707M / 4.498T) <ref><code>delta_Triton=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(1.3534,0.0009)*10^6/sqrt((sqrt((Quantity(30.07,0.01)*149597870700)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)^2+(Quantity(354.759,0.001)*10^6)^2)),errors);</code></ref>
* [[wikipedia:Uranian Satellite Titania|Uranian Satellite Titania]]: 548.<u>4</u>7877188493312845418689808346 nrad (1.577M / 2.871T) <ref><code>delta_Titania=combine(2*arcsin(Quantity(788.4,0.6)*10^3/sqrt((sqrt((Quantity(2.870972,0.000001)*10^12)^2+(Quantity(149.598023,1E-6)*10^9)^2)-Quantity(6.3710084,1E-7)*10^6)^2+(Quantity(435.91,0.01)*10^6)^2)),errors);</code></ref>

== calculation ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! datetime
! event
| 1970-03-07T12:18/13:36/14:50
| [[wikipedia:Sol eclipse by Luna|Sol eclipse by Luna]] (total) <ref><code title="Back Bay USA National Wildlife Refuge">,-75.91644?iso=19700307</code></ref>
| 1994-05-10T11:38/13:21/15:06
| Sol eclipse by Luna (annular) <ref><code title="Presque Isle Pennsylvania State Park">,-80.08583?iso=19940510</code></ref>
| 2012-05-20T19:31/20:36/20:45-05*
| Sol eclipse by Luna (annular) <ref><code></code></ref>
| 2012-06-05T18:05/20:37/20:38
| [[wikipedia:Sol transit by Venus|Sol transit by Venus]] (total) <ref><code title="Allegany College of Maryland Cumberland Campus">,-78.73135?iso=20120606</code></ref>
| 2017-08-21T11:58/13:28/14:54-05*
| Sol eclipse by Luna (total) <ref><code></code></ref>
| 2019-11-11T07:37/10:20/13:04
| [[wikipedia:Sol transit by Mercury|Sol transit by Mercury]] (total) <ref><code title="Allegany College of Maryland Cumberland Campus">,-78.73135?iso=20191111</code></ref>
| 2021-06-10T05:48/05:50/06:31
| Sol eclipse by Luna (partial) <ref><code title="Dan's Rock Overlook Park">,-78.89740?iso=20210610</code></ref>
| 2022-01-04T01:55
| [[wikipedia:Sol perigee|Sol perigee]] <ref><code></code></ref>
| 2022-06-21T05:13
| [[wikipedia:Summer Solstice|Summer Solstice]] <ref><code></code></ref> <ref><code></code></ref>
| 2022-12-07T23:08
| [[wikipedia:Luna opposition|Luna opposition]] <ref><code title="Rocky Gap Maryland State Park">,-78.64299?year=2022</code></ref>
| 2022-12-24T16:44
| [[wikipedia:Luna perigee|Luna perigee]] <ref><code></code></ref>
| 2023-01-04T11:17
| Sol perigee
| 2023-01-06T18:07
| Luna opposition <ref><code>,-78.64299?year=2023</code></ref>
| 2023-01-21T15:56
| Luna perigee <ref><code></code></ref>
| 2023-02-05T13:28
| Luna opposition
| 2023-02-19T04:05
| Luna perigee
| 2023-03-07T07:40
| Luna opposition
| 2023-03-19T11:12
| Luna perigee
| 2023-04-06T00:34
| Luna opposition
| 2023-04-15T22:23
| Luna perigee
| 2023-05-05T13:34
| Luna opposition
| 2023-05-11T01:05
| Luna perigee
| 2023-06-03T23:41
| Luna opposition
| 2023-06-06T19:06
| Luna perigee
| 2023-06-21T10:57
| Summer Solstice
| 2023-07-03T07:38
| Luna opposition
| 2023-07-04T18:24
| Luna perigee
| 2023-08-01T14:31
| Luna opposition
| 2023-08-02T01:52
| Luna perigee
| 2023-08-30T11:54
| Luna perigee
| 2023-08-30T21:35
| Luna opposition
| 2023-09-27T20:59
| Luna perigee
| 2023-09-29T05:57
| Luna opposition
| <strong><u>[[2023-10-14|2023-10-14T10:23/11:54/13:33-05*]]</u></strong>
| Sol eclipse by Luna (annular) <ref><code></code></ref>
| 2023-10-25T23:02
| Luna perigee
| 2023-10-28T16:24
| Luna opposition
| 2023-11-21T16:01
| Luna perigee
| 2023-11-27T04:16
| Luna opposition
| 2023-12-16T13:52
| Luna perigee
| 2023-12-26T19:33
| Luna opposition
| 2024-01-02T19:39
| Sol perigee
| 2024-01-13T05:34
| Luna perigee <ref><code></code></ref>
| 2024-01-25T12:54
| Luna opposition <ref><code>,-78.64299?year=2024</code></ref>
| 2024-02-10T13:52
| Luna perigee
| 2024-02-24T07:30
| Luna opposition
| 2024-03-10T03:04
| Luna perigee
| 2024-03-25T03:00
| Luna opposition
| 2024-04-07T13:50
| Luna perigee
| 2024-04-08T14:03/15:18/16:30
| Sol eclipse by Luna (total) <ref><code title="Presque Isle Pennsylvania State Park">,-80.08583?iso=20240408</code></ref>
| 2024-04-23T19:48
| Luna opposition
| 2024-05-05T18:04
| Luna perigee
| 2024-05-23T09:53
| Luna opposition
| 2024-06-02T03:16
| Luna perigee
| 2024-06-20T16:50
| Summer Solstice
| 2024-06-21T21:07
| Luna opposition
| 2024-06-27T07:30
| Luna perigee
| 2024-07-21T06:17
| Luna opposition
| 2024-07-24T01:41
| Luna perigee
| 2024-08-19T14:25
| Luna opposition
| 2024-08-21T01:02
| Luna perigee
| 2024-09-17T22:34
| Luna opposition
| 2024-09-18T09:23
| Luna perigee
| 2024-10-16T20:51
| Luna perigee
| 2024-10-17T07:26
| Luna opposition
| 2024-11-14T06:14
| Luna perigee
| 2024-11-15T16:28
| Luna opposition
| 2024-12-12T08:20
| Luna perigee
| 2024-12-15T04:01
| Luna opposition
| 2025-01-04T08:28
| Sol perigee
| 2025-01-07T19:01
| Luna perigee <ref><code></code></ref>
| 2025-01-13T17:26
| Luna opposition <ref><code>,-78.64299?year=2025</code></ref>
| 2025-02-01T21:47
| Luna perigee
| 2025-02-12T08:53
| Luna opposition
| 2025-03-01T16:21
| Luna perigee
| 2025-03-14T02:54
| Luna opposition
| 2025-03-29T06:51/06:52/07:00
| Sol eclipse by Luna (partial) <ref><code title="Assateague Island USA National Seashore">,-75.15071?iso=20250329</code></ref>
| 2025-03-30T01:25
| Luna perigee
| 2025-04-12T20:22
| Luna opposition
| 2025-04-27T12:17
| Luna perigee
| 2025-05-12T12:55
| Luna opposition
| 2025-05-25T21:34
| Luna perigee
| 2025-06-11T03:43
| Luna opposition
| 2025-06-20T22:42
| Summer Solstice
| 2025-06-23T00:44
| Luna perigee
| 2025-07-10T16:36
| Luna opposition
| 2025-07-20T09:55
| Luna perigee
| 2025-08-09T03:55
| Luna opposition
| 2025-08-14T13:59
| Luna perigee
| 2025-09-07T14:08
| Luna opposition
| 2025-09-10T08:10
| Luna perigee
| 2025-10-06T23:47
| Luna opposition
| 2025-10-08T08:39
| Luna perigee
| 2025-11-05T08:19
| Luna opposition
| 2025-11-05T17:27
| Luna perigee
| 2025-12-04T06:06
| Luna perigee
| 2025-12-04T18:14
| Luna opposition
| 2026-01-01T16:44
| Luna perigee <ref><code></code></ref>
| 2026-01-03T05:02
| Luna opposition <ref><code>,-78.64299?year=2026</code></ref>
| 2026-01-03T12:16
| Sol perigee
| 2026-06-21T04:24
| Summer Solstice
| 2026-08-12T13:16/13:48/14:20
| Sol eclipse by Luna (partial) <ref><code title="Allegany College of Maryland Cumberland Campus">,-78.73135?iso=20260812</code></ref>
| 2044-08-22T19:48/20:42/20:53-05*
| Sol eclipse by Luna (total) <ref><code></code></ref>
| 2046-02-05T16:39/17:54/18:01-07*
| Sol eclipse by Luna (annular) <ref><code></code></ref>
| 2049-05-07T07:04/10:24/13:44
| Sol transit by Mercury (total) <ref><code title="Allegany College of Maryland Cumberland Campus">,-78.73135?iso=20490507</code></ref>
| 2078-05-11T13:19/14:41/15:56
| Sol eclipse by Luna (total) <ref><code title="Back Bay USA National Wildlife Refuge">,-75.91644?iso=20780511</code></ref>
| 2093-07-23T06:06/06:54/08:00
| Sol eclipse by Luna (annular) <ref><code title="Presque Isle Pennsylvania State Park">,-80.08583?iso=20930723</code></ref>
| 2117-12-10T16:52/17:15/17:17-07*
| Sol transit by Venus (total) <ref><code></code></ref>
| 2125-12-08T08:24/11:05/13:41
| Sol transit by Venus (total) <ref><code title="Allegany College of Maryland Cumberland Campus">,-78.73135?iso=21251208</code></ref>

The angular diameter (<var>δ</var>) of a sphere is equal to twice the arcsine of the ratio between the object's radius (<var>r</var>) and the distance to the object (<var>D</var>):
Datetimes listed without a timezone are for [[wikipedia:USA Eastern Time|USA Eastern Time]] (ET).&ensp; This is either <abbr title="Zulu Time">Z</abbr>-04 or Z-05 depending on the time of year.&ensp; All dates and times are given in [[wikipedia:ISO 8601|ISO 8601]] format.
: <var>δ</var> = 2arcsin(<var>r</var>/<var>D</var>) <ref><code>[[wikipedia:Angular diameter#Formula]]</code></ref>
The simplest approximation of the mean distance (<var style="text-decoration: overline;">D</var>) from an observer in a heliocentric orbit to an astronomical object in the same solar system as the observer is as the orbital semimajor axis (<var>a</var>) of the observed object if the observed object is superior or as the orbital semimajor axis of the observer if the observed object is inferior.&ensp; For observers on Terra, the Terran orbital semimajor axis (<var>a</var><sub>🜨</sub>) can be approximated as one [[wikipedia:astronomical unit|astronomical unit]] (<var>l</var><sub>A</sub>).&ensp; For these calculations, satellites in orbit around the observer should be considered as superior objects and satellites not in orbit around the observer should use the satellite's heliocentric semimajor axis.
* <var style="text-decoration: overline;">D</var><sub>superior</sub> ≈ <var>a</var><sub>object</sub>
* <var style="text-decoration: overline;">D</var><sub>inferior</sub> ≈ <var>a</var><sub>observer</sub>
For [[wikipedia:small-angle approximation|small angles]], the mean angular diameter (<var style="text-decoration: overline;">δ</var>) can be approximated as the ratio between the observed object's mean diameter (<var style="text-decoration: overline;">d</var> = 2<var style="text-decoration: overline;">r</var>) and the observed object's mean distance.&ensp; The dimensionless ratio can be expressed in radians (<var>θ</var><sub>I</sub>) without an arcsine:
: <var style="text-decoration: overline;">δ</var> ≈ (<var style="text-decoration: overline;">d</var>/<var>a</var>)<var>θ</var><sub>I</sub>

== see also ==
== see also ==

* <u><code>[[Solar System]]</code></u>
* <u><code>[[distances]]</code></u>
* <u><code>[[Solar System by orbit]]</code></u>
* <u><code>[[Solar System by size]]</code></u>
* <u><code>[[Solar System by mass]]</code></u>

== references ==
== references ==
Line 78: Line 354:
== keywords ==
== keywords ==

<code>angle, angles, astro, astronomics, astronomy, diameter, diameters, radii, radius, size, sizes, Sol, Solar, Sol-Jupiter, SolSys, Sun, Sun-Jupiter</code>
<code>astro, astronomics, astronomy, calendar, eclipses, events, perigees, schedule, scheduling, solstices, transits</code>

{{#seo:|keywords=angle, angles, astro, astronomics, astronomy, diameter, diameters, radii, radius, size, sizes, Sol, Solar, Sol-Jupiter, SolSys, Sun, Sun-Jupiter}}
{{#seo:|keywords=astro, astronomics, astronomy, calendar, eclipses, events, perigees, schedule, scheduling, solstices, transits}}

[[category:Nicole Sharp]]
[[category:pages with images]]
[[category:pages with images]]

Revision as of 2023-09-18T18:01:19

[Image.]  The most exciting astronomical events to add to your calendar are Solar eclipses.  This map shows the eclipse paths for all total and annular Solar eclipses from 2021 to 2040. [1] [2] [3]

Nicole Sharp's calendar of events.

Unasterisked astronomical events listed are visible from Maryland and states adjacent to Maryland (the region of Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, District of Columbia, and Delaware).  Asterisked (*) astronomical events are visible from the Contiguous United States of America (USA) but require traveling more than one state over from Maryland.

Astronomical events are listed for the current year (2023) plus the following two years (2024 to 2025), the first occurence before the current year (before 2023), and the first occurrence after the two years following the current year (after 2025).  Listing the most recent past occurence and next future occurrence for an event provides an estimation of how rare the event is.

Up to three times are given for each event: when the event begins, when the event is at maximum effect, and when the event ends.


Click the arrows next to the "event" tab to sort by event type.

datetime event
1970-03-07T12:18/13:36/14:50 Sol eclipse by Luna (total) [4]
1994-05-10T11:38/13:21/15:06 Sol eclipse by Luna (annular) [5]
2012-05-20T19:31/20:36/20:45-05* Sol eclipse by Luna (annular) [6]
2012-06-05T18:05/20:37/20:38 Sol transit by Venus (total) [7]
2017-08-21T11:58/13:28/14:54-05* Sol eclipse by Luna (total) [8]
2019-11-11T07:37/10:20/13:04 Sol transit by Mercury (total) [9]
2021-06-10T05:48/05:50/06:31 Sol eclipse by Luna (partial) [10]
2022-01-04T01:55 Sol perigee [11]
2022-06-21T05:13 Summer Solstice [12] [13]
2022-12-07T23:08 Luna opposition [14]
2022-12-24T16:44 Luna perigee [15]
2023-01-04T11:17 Sol perigee
2023-01-06T18:07 Luna opposition [16]
2023-01-21T15:56 Luna perigee [17]
2023-02-05T13:28 Luna opposition
2023-02-19T04:05 Luna perigee
2023-03-07T07:40 Luna opposition
2023-03-19T11:12 Luna perigee
2023-04-06T00:34 Luna opposition
2023-04-15T22:23 Luna perigee
2023-05-05T13:34 Luna opposition
2023-05-11T01:05 Luna perigee
2023-06-03T23:41 Luna opposition
2023-06-06T19:06 Luna perigee
2023-06-21T10:57 Summer Solstice
2023-07-03T07:38 Luna opposition
2023-07-04T18:24 Luna perigee
2023-08-01T14:31 Luna opposition
2023-08-02T01:52 Luna perigee
2023-08-30T11:54 Luna perigee
2023-08-30T21:35 Luna opposition
2023-09-27T20:59 Luna perigee
2023-09-29T05:57 Luna opposition
2023-10-14T10:23/11:54/13:33-05* Sol eclipse by Luna (annular) [18]
2023-10-25T23:02 Luna perigee
2023-10-28T16:24 Luna opposition
2023-11-21T16:01 Luna perigee
2023-11-27T04:16 Luna opposition
2023-12-16T13:52 Luna perigee
2023-12-26T19:33 Luna opposition
2024-01-02T19:39 Sol perigee
2024-01-13T05:34 Luna perigee [19]
2024-01-25T12:54 Luna opposition [20]
2024-02-10T13:52 Luna perigee
2024-02-24T07:30 Luna opposition
2024-03-10T03:04 Luna perigee
2024-03-25T03:00 Luna opposition
2024-04-07T13:50 Luna perigee
2024-04-08T14:03/15:18/16:30 Sol eclipse by Luna (total) [21]
2024-04-23T19:48 Luna opposition
2024-05-05T18:04 Luna perigee
2024-05-23T09:53 Luna opposition
2024-06-02T03:16 Luna perigee
2024-06-20T16:50 Summer Solstice
2024-06-21T21:07 Luna opposition
2024-06-27T07:30 Luna perigee
2024-07-21T06:17 Luna opposition
2024-07-24T01:41 Luna perigee
2024-08-19T14:25 Luna opposition
2024-08-21T01:02 Luna perigee
2024-09-17T22:34 Luna opposition
2024-09-18T09:23 Luna perigee
2024-10-16T20:51 Luna perigee
2024-10-17T07:26 Luna opposition
2024-11-14T06:14 Luna perigee
2024-11-15T16:28 Luna opposition
2024-12-12T08:20 Luna perigee
2024-12-15T04:01 Luna opposition
2025-01-04T08:28 Sol perigee
2025-01-07T19:01 Luna perigee [22]
2025-01-13T17:26 Luna opposition [23]
2025-02-01T21:47 Luna perigee
2025-02-12T08:53 Luna opposition
2025-03-01T16:21 Luna perigee
2025-03-14T02:54 Luna opposition
2025-03-29T06:51/06:52/07:00 Sol eclipse by Luna (partial) [24]
2025-03-30T01:25 Luna perigee
2025-04-12T20:22 Luna opposition
2025-04-27T12:17 Luna perigee
2025-05-12T12:55 Luna opposition
2025-05-25T21:34 Luna perigee
2025-06-11T03:43 Luna opposition
2025-06-20T22:42 Summer Solstice
2025-06-23T00:44 Luna perigee
2025-07-10T16:36 Luna opposition
2025-07-20T09:55 Luna perigee
2025-08-09T03:55 Luna opposition
2025-08-14T13:59 Luna perigee
2025-09-07T14:08 Luna opposition
2025-09-10T08:10 Luna perigee
2025-10-06T23:47 Luna opposition
2025-10-08T08:39 Luna perigee
2025-11-05T08:19 Luna opposition
2025-11-05T17:27 Luna perigee
2025-12-04T06:06 Luna perigee
2025-12-04T18:14 Luna opposition
2026-01-01T16:44 Luna perigee [25]
2026-01-03T05:02 Luna opposition [26]
2026-01-03T12:16 Sol perigee
2026-06-21T04:24 Summer Solstice
2026-08-12T13:16/13:48/14:20 Sol eclipse by Luna (partial) [27]
2044-08-22T19:48/20:42/20:53-05* Sol eclipse by Luna (total) [28]
2046-02-05T16:39/17:54/18:01-07* Sol eclipse by Luna (annular) [29]
2049-05-07T07:04/10:24/13:44 Sol transit by Mercury (total) [30]
2078-05-11T13:19/14:41/15:56 Sol eclipse by Luna (total) [31]
2093-07-23T06:06/06:54/08:00 Sol eclipse by Luna (annular) [32]
2117-12-10T16:52/17:15/17:17-07* Sol transit by Venus (total) [33]
2125-12-08T08:24/11:05/13:41 Sol transit by Venus (total) [34]

Datetimes listed without a timezone are for USA Eastern Time (ET).  This is either Z-04 or Z-05 depending on the time of year.  All dates and times are given in ISO 8601 format.

see also


  1. commons:category:Solar eclipses
  2. commons:category:Solar eclipse map
  3. commons:category:21st-century solar eclipse maps


astro, astronomics, astronomy, calendar, eclipses, events, perigees, schedule, scheduling, solstices, transits