Accessibility to Nicole Sharp’s Website

Special Characters

This website uses special characters with 8-Bit Unicode Transformation Format (UTF-8).  Some special characters may not display on systems without Unicode font support.


Internet connections slower than 10 megabaud (MBd) or 1 megabyte per second (MB/s) may have difficulty accessing some content.


Design for Nicole Sharp’s Website is primarily checked on Microsoft Windows 11 Chromium Edge using a keyboard and mouse with a desktop monitor having a screen resolution of 3840·2160 pixels (4K Ultra High Definition [UHD]), a linear resolution of 163 dots per inch (DPI), and a diagonal size of 27.0 inches. [4]  As a personal website developed by a single individual in her spare time, being able to test the website at multiple screen resolutions with multiple web browsers on multiple operating systems is not always practical.  As such, screens with higher or lower resolutions or using different web browsers or on different operating systems may have different user experiences.  Nicole Sharp’s Website is optimized for desktop users with a keyboard and mouse since this is the environment in which the website is developed.


Nicole Sharp’s Website is written in HTML 5 (Hypertext Markup Language 5).  HTML 5 was released as a W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Recommendation on 2014-10-28 so if you are on an old web browser that hasn't been updated after October 2014 then you may have problems displaying content. [1, 2, 3]

Access with Disability

Being disabled myself, every possible effort within my limited resources has been made to code hypertext that is still accessible for individuals with disabilities but some content may unfortunately still not be accessible.  As a personal website, the primary intended audience and purpose of Nicole Sharp’s Website is to provide information either to myself or about myself.  As such, users who are non-sighted, non-hearing, non-English-speaking, or non-autistic may find some content difficult.