System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
System messages
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Name Default message text
Current message text
apihelp-scribunto-console-description (talk) (Translate) Internal module for servicing XHR requests from the Scribunto console.
apihelp-scribunto-console-param-clear (talk) (Translate) Set to clear the current session state.
apihelp-scribunto-console-param-content (talk) (Translate) The new content of the module.
apihelp-scribunto-console-param-question (talk) (Translate) The next line to evaluate as a script.
apihelp-scribunto-console-param-session (talk) (Translate) Session token.
apihelp-scribunto-console-param-title (talk) (Translate) The title of the module to test.
apihelp-scribunto-console-summary (talk) (Translate) Internal module for servicing XHR requests from the Scribunto console.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-example-all (talk) (Translate) Reset the notification status for the entire watchlist.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-example-allpages (talk) (Translate) Reset the notification status for pages in the <kbd>{{ns:user}}</kbd> namespace.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-example-page (talk) (Translate) Reset the notification status for <kbd>Main page</kbd>.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-example-pagetimestamp (talk) (Translate) Set the notification timestamp for <kbd>Main page</kbd> so all edits since 1 January 2012 are unviewed.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-extended-description (talk) (Translate) This affects the highlighting of changed pages in the watchlist and history, and the sending of email when the "{{int:tog-enotifwatchlistpages}}" preference is enabled.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-param-entirewatchlist (talk) (Translate) Work on all watched pages.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-param-newerthanrevid (talk) (Translate) Revision to set the notification timestamp newer than (one page only).
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-param-timestamp (talk) (Translate) Timestamp to which to set the notification timestamp.
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-param-torevid (talk) (Translate) Revision to set the notification timestamp to (one page only).
apihelp-setnotificationtimestamp-summary (talk) (Translate) Update the notification timestamp for watched pages.
apihelp-setpagelanguage-example-default (talk) (Translate) Change the language of the page with ID 123 to the wiki's default content language.
apihelp-setpagelanguage-example-language (talk) (Translate) Change the language of <kbd>Main Page</kbd> to Basque.
apihelp-setpagelanguage-extended-description-disabled (talk) (Translate) Changing the language of a page is not allowed on this wiki. Enable <var>[[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Manual:$wgPageLanguageUseDB|$wgPageLanguageUseDB]]</var> to use this action.
apihelp-setpagelanguage-param-lang (talk) (Translate) Language code of the language to change the page to. Use <kbd>default</kbd> to reset the page to the wiki's default content language.
apihelp-setpagelanguage-param-pageid (talk) (Translate) Page ID of the page whose language you wish to change. Cannot be used together with <var>$1title</var>.
apihelp-setpagelanguage-param-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason for the change.
apihelp-setpagelanguage-param-tags (talk) (Translate) Change tags to apply to the log entry resulting from this action.
apihelp-setpagelanguage-param-title (talk) (Translate) Title of the page whose language you wish to change. Cannot be used together with <var>$1pageid</var>.
apihelp-setpagelanguage-summary (talk) (Translate) Change the language of a page.
apihelp-spamblacklist-description (talk) (Translate) Validate one or more URLs against the spam block list.
apihelp-spamblacklist-example-1 (talk) (Translate) Check two URLs against the block list
apihelp-spamblacklist-param-url (talk) (Translate) URLs to validate against the block list.
apihelp-spamblacklist-summary (talk) (Translate) Validate one or more URLs against the spam block list.
apihelp-stashedit-extended-description (talk) (Translate) This is intended to be used via AJAX from the edit form to improve the performance of the page save.
apihelp-stashedit-param-baserevid (talk) (Translate) Revision ID of the base revision.
apihelp-stashedit-param-contentformat (talk) (Translate) Content serialization format used for the input text.
apihelp-stashedit-param-contentmodel (talk) (Translate) Content model of the new content.
apihelp-stashedit-param-section (talk) (Translate) Section identifier. <kbd>0</kbd> for the top section, <kbd>new</kbd> for a new section.
apihelp-stashedit-param-sectiontitle (talk) (Translate) The title for a new section.
apihelp-stashedit-param-stashedtexthash (talk) (Translate) Page content hash from a prior stash to use instead.
apihelp-stashedit-param-summary (talk) (Translate) Change summary.
apihelp-stashedit-param-text (talk) (Translate) Page content.
apihelp-stashedit-param-title (talk) (Translate) Title of the page being edited.
apihelp-stashedit-summary (talk) (Translate) Prepare an edit in shared cache.
apihelp-summary (talk) (Translate)  
apihelp-tag-example-log (talk) (Translate) Remove the <kbd>spam</kbd> tag from log entry ID 123 with the reason <kbd>Wrongly applied</kbd>
apihelp-tag-example-rev (talk) (Translate) Add the <kbd>vandalism</kbd> tag to revision ID 123 without specifying a reason
apihelp-tag-param-add (talk) (Translate) Tags to add. Only manually defined tags can be added.
apihelp-tag-param-logid (talk) (Translate) One or more log entry IDs from which to add or remove the tag.
apihelp-tag-param-rcid (talk) (Translate) One or more recent changes IDs from which to add or remove the tag.
apihelp-tag-param-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason for the change.
apihelp-tag-param-remove (talk) (Translate) Tags to remove. Only tags that are either manually defined or completely undefined can be removed.
apihelp-tag-param-revid (talk) (Translate) One or more revision IDs from which to add or remove the tag.
apihelp-tag-param-tags (talk) (Translate) Tags to apply to the log entry that will be created as a result of this action.
apihelp-tag-summary (talk) (Translate) Add or remove change tags from individual revisions or log entries.
apihelp-templatedata-description (talk) (Translate) Fetch data stored by the TemplateData extension.
apihelp-templatedata-example-1 (talk) (Translate) Return TemplateData for [[Template:Stub]] and [[Template:Example]], with results if the templates do not exist or do exist but have no TemplateData
apihelp-templatedata-example-2 (talk) (Translate) Return TemplateData for [[Template:Stub]] and [[Template:Example]], with no results if the templates do not exist or do exist but have no TemplateData
apihelp-templatedata-param-doNotIgnoreMissingTitles (talk) (Translate) Return data about titles even if they are missing or lack TemplateData. By default (for backwards compatibility) titles are only returned if they exist and have TemplateData.
apihelp-templatedata-param-includeMissingTitles (talk) (Translate) Return data about titles even if they are missing or lack TemplateData. By default titles are only returned if they exist and have TemplateData.
apihelp-templatedata-param-lang (talk) (Translate) Return localized values in this language. By default all available translations are returned.
apihelp-templatedata-summary (talk) (Translate) Fetch data stored by the TemplateData extension.
apihelp-titleblacklist-description (talk) (Translate) Validate a page title, filename, or username against the TitleBlacklist.
apihelp-titleblacklist-example-1 (talk) (Translate) Check whether [[Foo]] is blacklisted
apihelp-titleblacklist-example-2 (talk) (Translate) Check whether [[Bar]] is blacklisted for editing
apihelp-titleblacklist-param-action (talk) (Translate) The action to be checked.
apihelp-titleblacklist-param-nooverride (talk) (Translate) Don't try to override the titleblacklist.
apihelp-titleblacklist-param-title (talk) (Translate) The string to validate against the blacklist.
apihelp-titleblacklist-summary (talk) (Translate) Validate a page title, filename, or username against the TitleBlacklist.
apihelp-unblock-example-id (talk) (Translate) Unblock block ID #<kbd>105</kbd>.
apihelp-unblock-example-user (talk) (Translate) Unblock user <kbd>Bob</kbd> with reason <kbd>Sorry Bob</kbd>.
apihelp-unblock-param-id (talk) (Translate) ID of the block to unblock (obtained through <kbd>list=blocks</kbd>). Cannot be used together with <var>$1user</var>.
apihelp-unblock-param-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason for unblock.
apihelp-unblock-param-tags (talk) (Translate) Change tags to apply to the entry in the block log.
apihelp-unblock-param-user (talk) (Translate) User to unblock. Cannot be used together with <var>$1id</var>.
apihelp-unblock-param-userid (talk) (Translate) Specify <kbd>$1user=#<var>ID</var></kbd> instead.
apihelp-unblock-summary (talk) (Translate) Unblock a user.
apihelp-undelete-example-page (talk) (Translate) Undelete page <kbd>Main Page</kbd>.
apihelp-undelete-example-revisions (talk) (Translate) Undelete two revisions of page <kbd>Main Page</kbd>.
apihelp-undelete-extended-description (talk) (Translate) A list of deleted revisions (including timestamps) can be retrieved through [[Special:ApiHelp/query+deletedrevisions|prop=deletedrevisions]], and a list of deleted file IDs can be retrieved through [[Special:ApiHelp/query+filearchive|list=filearchive]].
apihelp-undelete-param-fileids (talk) (Translate) IDs of the file revisions to restore. If both <var>$1timestamps</var> and <var>$1fileids</var> are empty, all will be restored.
apihelp-undelete-param-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason for restoring.
apihelp-undelete-param-tags (talk) (Translate) Change tags to apply to the entry in the deletion log.
apihelp-undelete-param-timestamps (talk) (Translate) Timestamps of the revisions to undelete. If both <var>$1timestamps</var> and <var>$1fileids</var> are empty, all will be undeleted.
apihelp-undelete-param-title (talk) (Translate) Title of the page to undelete.
apihelp-undelete-param-undeletetalk (talk) (Translate) Undelete all revisions of the associated talk page, if any.
apihelp-undelete-param-watchlist (talk) (Translate) Unconditionally add or remove the page from the current user's watchlist, use preferences (ignored for bot users) or do not change watch.
apihelp-undelete-param-watchlistexpiry (talk) (Translate) Watchlist expiry timestamp. Omit this parameter entirely to leave the current expiry unchanged.
apihelp-undelete-summary (talk) (Translate) Undelete revisions of a deleted page.
apihelp-unlinkaccount-example-simple (talk) (Translate) Attempt to remove the current user's link for the provider associated with <kbd>FooAuthenticationRequest</kbd>.
apihelp-unlinkaccount-summary (talk) (Translate) Remove a linked third-party account from the current user.
apihelp-upload-example-filekey (talk) (Translate) Complete an upload that failed due to warnings.
apihelp-upload-example-url (talk) (Translate) Upload from a URL.
apihelp-upload-extended-description (talk) (Translate) Several methods are available: * Upload file contents directly, using the <var>$1file</var> parameter. * Upload the file in pieces, using the <var>$1filesize</var>, <var>$1chunk</var>, and <var>$1offset</var> parameters. * Have the MediaWiki server fetch a file from a URL, using the <var>$1url</var> parameter. * Complete an earlier upload that failed due to warnings, using the <var>$1filekey</var> parameter. Note that the HTTP POST must be done as a file upload (i.e. using <code>multipart/form-data</code>) when sending the <var>$1file</var>.
apihelp-upload-param-async (talk) (Translate) Make potentially large file operations asynchronous when possible.
apihelp-upload-param-checkstatus (talk) (Translate) Only fetch the upload status for the given file key.
apihelp-upload-param-chunk (talk) (Translate) Chunk contents.
apihelp-upload-param-comment (talk) (Translate) Upload comment. Also used as the initial page text for new files if <var>$1text</var> is not specified.
apihelp-upload-param-file (talk) (Translate) File contents.
apihelp-upload-param-filekey (talk) (Translate) Key that identifies a previous upload that was stashed temporarily.
apihelp-upload-param-filename (talk) (Translate) Target filename.
apihelp-upload-param-filesize (talk) (Translate) Filesize of entire upload.
apihelp-upload-param-ignorewarnings (talk) (Translate) Ignore any warnings.
apihelp-upload-param-offset (talk) (Translate) Offset of chunk in bytes.
apihelp-upload-param-sessionkey (talk) (Translate) Same as $1filekey, maintained for backward compatibility.
apihelp-upload-param-stash (talk) (Translate) If set, the server will stash the file temporarily instead of adding it to the repository.
apihelp-upload-param-tags (talk) (Translate) Change tags to apply to the upload log entry and file page revision.
apihelp-upload-param-text (talk) (Translate) Initial page text for new files.
apihelp-upload-param-url (talk) (Translate) URL to fetch the file from.
apihelp-upload-param-watch (talk) (Translate) Watch the page.
apihelp-upload-param-watchlist (talk) (Translate) Unconditionally add or remove the page from the current user's watchlist, use preferences (ignored for bot users) or do not change watch.
apihelp-upload-param-watchlistexpiry (talk) (Translate) Watchlist expiry timestamp. Omit this parameter entirely to leave the current expiry unchanged.
apihelp-upload-summary (talk) (Translate) Upload a file, or get the status of pending uploads.
apihelp-userrights-example-expiry (talk) (Translate) Add user <kbd>SometimeSysop</kbd> to group <kbd>sysop</kbd> for 1 month.
apihelp-userrights-example-user (talk) (Translate) Add user <kbd>FooBot</kbd> to group <kbd>bot</kbd>, and remove from groups <kbd>sysop</kbd> and <kbd>bureaucrat</kbd>.
apihelp-userrights-example-userid (talk) (Translate) Add the user with ID <kbd>123</kbd> to group <kbd>bot</kbd>, and remove from groups <kbd>sysop</kbd> and <kbd>bureaucrat</kbd>.
apihelp-userrights-param-add (talk) (Translate) Add the user to these groups, or if they are already a member, update the expiry of their membership in that group.
apihelp-userrights-param-expiry (talk) (Translate) Expiry timestamps. May be relative (e.g. <kbd>5 months</kbd> or <kbd>2 weeks</kbd>) or absolute (e.g. <kbd>2014-09-18T12:34:56Z</kbd>). If only one timestamp is set, it will be used for all groups passed to the <var>$1add</var> parameter. Use <kbd>infinite</kbd>, <kbd>indefinite</kbd>, <kbd>infinity</kbd>, or <kbd>never</kbd> for a never-expiring user group.
apihelp-userrights-param-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason for the change.
apihelp-userrights-param-remove (talk) (Translate) Remove the user from these groups.
apihelp-userrights-param-tags (talk) (Translate) Change tags to apply to the entry in the user rights log.
apihelp-userrights-param-user (talk) (Translate) User.
apihelp-userrights-param-userid (talk) (Translate) Specify <kbd>$1user=#<var>ID</var></kbd> instead.
apihelp-userrights-summary (talk) (Translate) Change a user's group membership.
apihelp-validatepassword-example-1 (talk) (Translate) Validate the password <kbd>foobar</kbd> for the current user.
apihelp-validatepassword-example-2 (talk) (Translate) Validate the password <kbd>qwerty</kbd> for creating user <kbd>Example</kbd>.
apihelp-validatepassword-extended-description (talk) (Translate) Validity is reported as <samp>Good</samp> if the password is acceptable, <samp>Change</samp> if the password may be used for login but must be changed, or <samp>Invalid</samp> if the password is not usable.
apihelp-validatepassword-param-email (talk) (Translate) Email address, for use when testing account creation.
apihelp-validatepassword-param-password (talk) (Translate) Password to validate.
apihelp-validatepassword-param-realname (talk) (Translate) Real name, for use when testing account creation.
apihelp-validatepassword-param-user (talk) (Translate) Username, for use when testing account creation. The named user must not exist.
apihelp-validatepassword-summary (talk) (Translate) Validate a password against the wiki's password policies.
apihelp-visualeditor-description (talk) (Translate) Returns HTML5 for a page from the Parsoid service.
apihelp-visualeditor-param-badetag (talk) (Translate) If RESTBase query returned a seemingly invalid ETag, pass it here for logging purposes.
apihelp-visualeditor-param-basetimestamp (talk) (Translate) When saving, set this to the timestamp of the revision that was edited. Used to detect edit conflicts.
apihelp-visualeditor-param-cachekey (talk) (Translate) For serialize or diff, use the result of a previous serializeforcache request with this key. Overrides $1html.
apihelp-visualeditor-param-editintro (talk) (Translate) Edit intro to add to notices.
apihelp-visualeditor-param-etag (talk) (Translate) ETag to send.
apihelp-visualeditor-param-format (talk) (Translate) The format of the output.
apihelp-visualeditor-param-html (talk) (Translate) HTML to send to Parsoid to convert to wikitext.
apihelp-visualeditor-param-oldid (talk) (Translate) The revision number to use (defaults to latest revision).
apihelp-visualeditor-param-paction (talk) (Translate) Action to perform.
apihelp-visualeditor-param-page (talk) (Translate) The page to perform actions on.
apihelp-visualeditor-param-preload (talk) (Translate) The page to use content from if the fetched page has no content yet.
apihelp-visualeditor-param-preloadparams (talk) (Translate) Parameters to substitute into the preload page, if present.
apihelp-visualeditor-param-pst (talk) (Translate) Pre-save transform wikitext before sending it to Parsoid (paction=parsefragment).
apihelp-visualeditor-param-section (talk) (Translate) The section on which to act.
apihelp-visualeditor-param-starttimestamp (talk) (Translate) When saving, set this to the timestamp of when the page was loaded. Used to detect edit conflicts.
apihelp-visualeditor-param-stash (talk) (Translate) When saving, set this true if you want to use the stashing API.
apihelp-visualeditor-param-wikitext (talk) (Translate) Wikitext to send to Parsoid to convert to HTML (paction=parsefragment).
apihelp-visualeditor-summary (talk) (Translate) Returns HTML5 for a page from the Parsoid service.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-description (talk) (Translate) Save an HTML5 page to MediaWiki (converted to wikitext via the Parsoid service).
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-basetimestamp (talk) (Translate) When saving, set this to the timestamp of the revision that was edited. Used to detect edit conflicts.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-cachekey (talk) (Translate) Use the result of a previous serializeforcache request with this key. Overrides $1html.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-captchaid (talk) (Translate) Captcha ID (when saving with a captcha response).
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-captchaword (talk) (Translate) Answer to the captcha (when saving with a captcha response).
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-data-{plugin} (talk) (Translate) Arbitrary data sent by a plugin with the API request.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-etag (talk) (Translate) ETag to send.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-html (talk) (Translate) HTML to send to Parsoid in exchange for wikitext.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-minor (talk) (Translate) Flag for minor edit.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-needcheck (talk) (Translate) When saving, set this parameter if the revision might have roundtrip problems. This will result in the edit being tagged.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-oldid (talk) (Translate) The revision number to use. Defaults to latest revision. Use 0 for a new page.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-paction (talk) (Translate) Action to perform.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-page (talk) (Translate) The page to perform actions on.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-plugins (talk) (Translate) Plugins associated with the API request.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-section (talk) (Translate) The section on which to act.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-sectiontitle (talk) (Translate) Title for new section.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-starttimestamp (talk) (Translate) When saving, set this to the timestamp of when the page was loaded. Used to detect edit conflicts.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-summary (talk) (Translate) Edit summary.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-tags (talk) (Translate) Change tags to apply to the edit.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-watchlist (talk) (Translate) {{int:apihelp-edit-param-watchlist}}
apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-wikitext (talk) (Translate) The wikitext to act with.
apihelp-visualeditoredit-summary (talk) (Translate) Save an HTML5 page to MediaWiki (converted to wikitext via the Parsoid service).
apihelp-watch-example-generator (talk) (Translate) Watch the first few pages in the main namespace.
apihelp-watch-example-unwatch (talk) (Translate) Unwatch the page <kbd>Main Page</kbd>.
apihelp-watch-example-watch (talk) (Translate) Watch the page <kbd>Main Page</kbd>.
apihelp-watch-example-watch-expiry (talk) (Translate) Watch the pages <kbd>Main Page</kbd>, <kbd>Foo</kbd>, and <kbd>Bar</kbd> for one month.
apihelp-watch-param-expiry (talk) (Translate) Expiry timestamp to be applied to all given pages. Omit this parameter entirely to leave any current expiries unchanged.
apihelp-watch-param-title (talk) (Translate) The page to (un)watch. Use <var>$1titles</var> instead.
apihelp-watch-param-unwatch (talk) (Translate) If set the page will be unwatched rather than watched.
apihelp-watch-summary (talk) (Translate) Add or remove pages from the current user's watchlist.
apihelp-webapp-manifest-description (talk) (Translate) Returns a webapp manifest.
apihelp-webapp-manifest-summary (talk) (Translate) Returns a webapp manifest.
apihelp-xml-param-includexmlnamespace (talk) (Translate) If specified, adds an XML namespace.
apihelp-xml-param-xslt (talk) (Translate) If specified, adds the named page as an XSL stylesheet. The value must be a title in the {{ns:MediaWiki}} namespace ending in <code>.xsl</code>.
apihelp-xml-summary (talk) (Translate) Output data in XML format.
apihelp-xmlfm-summary (talk) (Translate) Output data in XML format (pretty-print in HTML).
apisandbox (talk) (Translate) API sandbox
apisandbox-add-multi (talk) (Translate) Add
apisandbox-alert-field (talk) (Translate) The value of this field is not valid.
apisandbox-alert-page (talk) (Translate) Fields on this page are not valid.
apisandbox-continue (talk) (Translate) Continue
apisandbox-continue-clear (talk) (Translate) Clear
apisandbox-continue-help (talk) (Translate) {{int:apisandbox-continue}} will [ continue] the last request; {{int:apisandbox-continue-clear}} will clear continuation-related parameters.
apisandbox-deprecated-parameters (talk) (Translate) Deprecated parameters
apisandbox-dynamic-error-exists (talk) (Translate) A parameter named "$1" already exists.
apisandbox-dynamic-parameters (talk) (Translate) Additional parameters
apisandbox-dynamic-parameters-add-label (talk) (Translate) Add parameter:
apisandbox-dynamic-parameters-add-placeholder (talk) (Translate) Parameter name
apisandbox-examples (talk) (Translate) Examples
apisandbox-fetch-token (talk) (Translate) Auto-fill the token
apisandbox-helpurls (talk) (Translate) Help links
apisandbox-intro (talk) (Translate) Use this page to experiment with the <strong>MediaWiki web service API</strong>. Refer to [ the API documentation] for further details of API usage. Example: [ search for page titles matching a certain keyword]. Select an action to see more examples. Note that, although this is a sandbox, actions you carry out on this page may modify the wiki.
apisandbox-jsonly (talk) (Translate) JavaScript is required to use the API sandbox.
apisandbox-load-error (talk) (Translate) An error occurred while loading information for API module "$1": $2
apisandbox-loading (talk) (Translate) Loading information for API module "$1"...
apisandbox-loading-results (talk) (Translate) Receiving API results...
apisandbox-multivalue-all-namespaces (talk) (Translate) $1 (All namespaces)
apisandbox-multivalue-all-values (talk) (Translate) $1 (All values)
apisandbox-no-parameters (talk) (Translate) This API module has no parameters.
apisandbox-param-limit (talk) (Translate) Enter <kbd>max</kbd> to use the maximum limit.
apisandbox-request-format-json-label (talk) (Translate) JSON
apisandbox-request-format-php-label (talk) (Translate) PHP array
apisandbox-request-format-url-label (talk) (Translate) URL query string
apisandbox-request-json-label (talk) (Translate) Request JSON:
apisandbox-request-php-label (talk) (Translate) Request PHP array:
apisandbox-request-selectformat-label (talk) (Translate) Show request data as:
apisandbox-request-time (talk) (Translate) Request time: {{PLURAL:$1|$1 ms}}
apisandbox-request-url-label (talk) (Translate) Request URL:
apisandbox-reset (talk) (Translate) Clear
apisandbox-results (talk) (Translate) Results
apisandbox-results-error (talk) (Translate) An error occurred while loading the API query response: $1.
apisandbox-results-fixtoken (talk) (Translate) Correct token and resubmit
apisandbox-results-fixtoken-fail (talk) (Translate) Failed to fetch "$1" token.
apisandbox-results-login-suppressed (talk) (Translate) This request has been processed as a logged-out user as it could be used to bypass browser Same-Origin security. Note that the API sandbox's automatic token handling does not work properly with such requests, please fill them in manually.
apisandbox-retry (talk) (Translate) Retry
apisandbox-sending-request (talk) (Translate) Sending API request...
apisandbox-submit (talk) (Translate) Make request
apisandbox-submit-invalid-fields-message (talk) (Translate) Please correct the marked fields and try again.
apisandbox-submit-invalid-fields-title (talk) (Translate) Some fields are invalid
apisandbox-summary (talk) (Translate)  
apisandbox-templated-parameter-reason (talk) (Translate) This [[Special:ApiHelp/main#main/templatedparams|templated parameter]] is offered based on the {{PLURAL:$1|value|values}} of $2.
apiwarn-alldeletedrevisions-performance (talk) (Translate) For better performance when generating titles, set <kbd>$1dir=newer</kbd>.
apiwarn-badurlparam (talk) (Translate) Could not parse <var>$1urlparam</var> for $2. Using only width and height.
apiwarn-badutf8 (talk) (Translate) The value passed for <var>$1</var> contains invalid or non-normalized data. Textual data should be valid, NFC-normalized Unicode without C0 control characters other than HT (\t), LF (\n), and CR (\r).
apiwarn-checktoken-percentencoding (talk) (Translate) Check that symbols such as "+" in the token are properly percent-encoded in the URL.
apiwarn-compare-no-next (talk) (Translate) Revision $2 is the latest revision of $1, there is no revision for <kbd>torelative=next</kbd> to compare to.
apiwarn-compare-no-prev (talk) (Translate) Revision $2 is the earliest revision of $1, there is no revision for <kbd>torelative=prev</kbd> to compare to.
apiwarn-compare-nocontentmodel (talk) (Translate) No content model could be determined, assuming $1.
apiwarn-deprecation-deletedrevs (talk) (Translate) <kbd>list=deletedrevs</kbd> has been deprecated. Please use <kbd>prop=deletedrevisions</kbd> or <kbd>list=alldeletedrevisions</kbd> instead.
apiwarn-deprecation-httpsexpected (talk) (Translate) HTTP used when HTTPS was expected.
apiwarn-deprecation-login-botpw (talk) (Translate) Main-account login via <kbd>action=login</kbd> is deprecated and may stop working without warning. To continue login with <kbd>action=login</kbd>, see [[Special:BotPasswords]]. To safely continue using main-account login, see <kbd>action=clientlogin</kbd>.
apiwarn-deprecation-login-nobotpw (talk) (Translate) Main-account login via <kbd>action=login</kbd> is deprecated and may stop working without warning. To safely log in, see <kbd>action=clientlogin</kbd>.
apiwarn-deprecation-login-token (talk) (Translate) Fetching a token via <kbd>action=login</kbd> is deprecated. Use <kbd>action=query&meta=tokens&type=login</kbd> instead.
apiwarn-deprecation-missingparam (talk) (Translate) Because <var>$1</var> was not specified, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future the new format will always be used.
apiwarn-deprecation-parameter (talk) (Translate) The parameter <var>$1</var> has been deprecated.
apiwarn-deprecation-parse-headitems (talk) (Translate) <kbd>prop=headitems</kbd> is deprecated since MediaWiki 1.28. Use <kbd>prop=headhtml</kbd> when creating new HTML documents, or <kbd>prop=modules|jsconfigvars</kbd> when updating a document client-side.
apiwarn-deprecation-post-without-content-type (talk) (Translate) A POST request was made without a <code>Content-Type</code> header. This does not work reliably.
apiwarn-deprecation-purge-get (talk) (Translate) Use of <kbd>action=purge</kbd> via GET is deprecated. Use POST instead.
apiwarn-deprecation-withreplacement (talk) (Translate) <kbd>$1</kbd> has been deprecated. Please use <kbd>$2</kbd> instead.
apiwarn-difftohidden (talk) (Translate) Couldn't diff to r$1: content is hidden.
apiwarn-errorprinterfailed (talk) (Translate) Error printer failed. Will retry without params.
apiwarn-ignoring-invalid-templated-value (talk) (Translate) Ignoring value <kbd>$2</kbd> in <var>$1</var> when processing templated parameters.
apiwarn-invalidcategory (talk) (Translate) "$1" is not a category.
apiwarn-invalidtitle (talk) (Translate) "$1" is not a valid title.
apiwarn-invalidxmlstylesheet (talk) (Translate) Invalid or non-existent stylesheet specified.
apiwarn-invalidxmlstylesheetext (talk) (Translate) Stylesheet should have <code>.xsl</code> extension.
apiwarn-invalidxmlstylesheetns (talk) (Translate) Stylesheet should be in the {{ns:MediaWiki}} namespace.
apiwarn-moduleswithoutvars (talk) (Translate) Property <kbd>modules</kbd> was set but not <kbd>jsconfigvars</kbd> or <kbd>encodedjsconfigvars</kbd>. Configuration variables are necessary for proper module usage.
apiwarn-notfile (talk) (Translate) "$1" is not a file.
apiwarn-nothumb-noimagehandler (talk) (Translate) Could not create thumbnail because $1 does not have an associated image handler.
apiwarn-parse-nocontentmodel (talk) (Translate) No <var>title</var> or <var>contentmodel</var> was given, assuming $1.
apiwarn-parse-revidwithouttext (talk) (Translate) <var>revid</var> used without <var>text</var>, and parsed page properties were requested. Did you mean to use <var>oldid</var> instead of <var>revid</var>?
apiwarn-parse-titlewithouttext (talk) (Translate) <var>title</var> used without <var>text</var>, and parsed page properties were requested. Did you mean to use <var>page</var> instead of <var>title</var>?
apiwarn-redirectsandrevids (talk) (Translate) Redirect resolution cannot be used together with the <var>revids</var> parameter. Any redirects the <var>revids</var> point to have not been resolved.
apiwarn-templatedata-deprecation-format (talk) (Translate) The default output format will change to <kbd>jsonfm</kbd> in the future. Please specify <kbd>format=json</kbd> explicitly.
apiwarn-textextracts-limit (talk) (Translate) <var>exlimit</var> was too large for a whole article extracts request, lowered to $1.
apiwarn-textextracts-malformed-html (talk) (Translate) HTML may be malformed and/or unbalanced and may omit inline images. Use at your own risk. Known problems are listed at
apiwarn-textextracts-sentences-and-html (talk) (Translate) The <var>$1sentences</var> parameter may have unexpected results when used in HTML mode.
apiwarn-textextracts-title-in-file-namespace (talk) (Translate) Extract for a title in File namespace was requested, none returned.
apiwarn-textextracts-unsupportedmodel (talk) (Translate) $1 has content model $2, which is not supported; returning an empty extract.
apiwarn-tokens-origin (talk) (Translate) Tokens may not be obtained when the same-origin policy is not applied.
apiwarn-truncatedresult (talk) (Translate) This result was truncated because it would otherwise be larger than the limit of $1 bytes.
apiwarn-unclearnowtimestamp (talk) (Translate) Passing "$2" for timestamp parameter <var>$1</var> has been deprecated. If for some reason you need to explicitly specify the current time without calculating it client-side, use <kbd>now</kbd>.
apiwarn-unrecognizedvalues (talk) (Translate) Unrecognized {{PLURAL:$3|value|values}} for parameter <var>$1</var>: $2.
apiwarn-unsupportedarray (talk) (Translate) Parameter <var>$1</var> uses unsupported PHP array syntax.
apiwarn-urlparamwidth (talk) (Translate) Ignoring width value set in <var>$1urlparam</var> ($2) in favor of width value derived from <var>$1urlwidth</var>/<var>$1urlheight</var> ($3).
apiwarn-validationfailed (talk) (Translate) Validation error for <kbd>$1</kbd>: $2
apiwarn-validationfailed-badchars (talk) (Translate) invalid characters in key (only <code>a-z</code>, <code>A-Z</code>, <code>0-9</code>, <code>_</code>, and <code>-</code> are allowed).
apiwarn-validationfailed-badpref (talk) (Translate) not a valid preference.
apiwarn-validationfailed-cannotset (talk) (Translate) cannot be set by this module.
apiwarn-validationfailed-keytoolong (talk) (Translate) key too long (no more than $1 bytes allowed).
apiwarn-wgdebugapi (talk) (Translate) <strong>Security Warning:</strong> <var>$wgDebugAPI</var> is enabled.
apr (talk) (Translate) Apr
april (talk) (Translate) April
april-gen (talk) (Translate) April
article (talk) (Translate) Content page
articleexists (talk) (Translate) A page already exists at [[:$1]], or the page name you have chosen is not valid. Please choose another name.
aug (talk) (Translate) Aug
august (talk) (Translate) August
august-gen (talk) (Translate) August
authenticationdatachange-ignored (talk) (Translate) The authentication data change was not handled. Maybe no provider was configured?
authform-newtoken (talk) (Translate) Missing token. $1
authform-nosession-login (talk) (Translate) The authentication was successful, but your browser cannot "remember" being logged in. $1
authform-nosession-signup (talk) (Translate) The account was created, but your browser cannot "remember" being logged in. $1
authform-notoken (talk) (Translate) Missing token
authform-wrongtoken (talk) (Translate) Wrong token
authmanager-account-password-domain (talk) (Translate) $1@$2
authmanager-authn-autocreate-failed (talk) (Translate) Auto-creation of a local account failed: $1
authmanager-authn-no-local-user (talk) (Translate) The supplied credentials are not associated with any user on this wiki.
authmanager-authn-no-local-user-link (talk) (Translate) The supplied credentials are valid but are not associated with any user on this wiki. Login in a different way, or create a new user, and you will have an option to link your previous credentials to that account.
authmanager-authn-no-primary (talk) (Translate) The supplied credentials could not be authenticated.
authmanager-authn-not-in-progress (talk) (Translate) Authentication is not in progress or session data has been lost. Please start again from the beginning.
authmanager-autocreate-exception (talk) (Translate) Automatic account creation temporarily disabled due to prior errors.
authmanager-autocreate-noperm (talk) (Translate) Automatic account creation is not allowed.
authmanager-change-not-supported (talk) (Translate) The supplied credentials cannot be changed, as nothing would use them.
authmanager-create-disabled (talk) (Translate) Account creation is disabled.
authmanager-create-from-login (talk) (Translate) To create your account, please fill in the fields.
authmanager-create-no-primary (talk) (Translate) The supplied credentials could not be used for account creation.
authmanager-create-not-in-progress (talk) (Translate) Account creation is not in progress or session data has been lost. Please start again from the beginning.
authmanager-domain-help (talk) (Translate) Domain for external authentication.
authmanager-email-help (talk) (Translate) Email address
authmanager-email-label (talk) (Translate) Email
authmanager-link-no-primary (talk) (Translate) The supplied credentials could not be used for account linking.
authmanager-link-not-in-progress (talk) (Translate) Account linking is not in progress or session data has been lost. Please start again from the beginning.
authmanager-password-help (talk) (Translate) Password for authentication.
authmanager-provider-password (talk) (Translate) Password-based authentication
authmanager-provider-password-domain (talk) (Translate) Password- and domain-based authentication
authmanager-provider-temporarypassword (talk) (Translate) Temporary password
authmanager-realname-help (talk) (Translate) Real name of the user
authmanager-realname-label (talk) (Translate) Real name
authmanager-retype-help (talk) (Translate) Password again to confirm.
authmanager-userdoesnotexist (talk) (Translate) User account "$1" is not registered.
authmanager-userlogin-remembermypassword-help (talk) (Translate) Whether the password should be remembered for longer than the length of the session.
authmanager-username-help (talk) (Translate) Username for authentication.
authpage-cannot-create (talk) (Translate) Unable to start account creation.
authpage-cannot-create-continue (talk) (Translate) Unable to continue account creation. Your session most likely timed out.
authpage-cannot-link (talk) (Translate) Unable to start account linking.
authpage-cannot-link-continue (talk) (Translate) Unable to continue account linking. Your session most likely timed out.
authpage-cannot-login (talk) (Translate) Unable to start login.
authpage-cannot-login-continue (talk) (Translate) Unable to continue login. Your session most likely timed out.
authprovider-confirmlink-failed (talk) (Translate) Account linking did not fully succeed: $1
authprovider-confirmlink-failed-line (talk) (Translate) $1: $2
authprovider-confirmlink-message (talk) (Translate) Based on your recent login attempts, the following accounts can be linked to your wiki account. Linking them enables logging in via those accounts. Please select which ones should be linked.
authprovider-confirmlink-ok-help (talk) (Translate) Continue after displaying linking failure messages.
authprovider-confirmlink-option (talk) (Translate) $1 ($2)
authprovider-confirmlink-request-help (talk) (Translate)  
authprovider-confirmlink-request-label (talk) (Translate) Accounts which should be linked
authprovider-confirmlink-success-line (talk) (Translate) $1: Linked successfully.
authprovider-resetpass-skip-help (talk) (Translate) Skip resetting the password.
authprovider-resetpass-skip-label (talk) (Translate) Skip
autoblockedtext (talk) (Translate) Your IP address has been automatically blocked because it was used by another user, who was blocked by $1. The reason given is: :<em>$2</em> * Start of block: $8 * Expiration of block: $6 * Intended blockee: $7 You may contact $1 or one of the other [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|administrators]] to discuss the block. You can use the "{{int:emailuser}}" feature if a valid email address is specified in your [[Special:Preferences|preferences]] and you have not been blocked from using it. Your current IP address is $3, and the block ID is #$5. Please include all above details in any queries you make.
autoblocker (talk) (Translate) Autoblocked because your IP address has been recently used by "[[User:$1|$1]]". The reason given for $1's block is "$2"
autoblockid (talk) (Translate) Autoblock #$1
autoblocklist (talk) (Translate) Autoblocks
autoblocklist-empty (talk) (Translate) The autoblock list is empty.
autoblocklist-legend (talk) (Translate) List autoblocks
autoblocklist-localblocks (talk) (Translate) Local {{PLURAL:$1|autoblock|autoblocks}}
autoblocklist-otherblocks (talk) (Translate) Other {{PLURAL:$1|autoblock|autoblocks}}
autoblocklist-submit (talk) (Translate) Search
autoblocklist-total-autoblocks (talk) (Translate) Total number of autoblocks: $1
autochange-username (talk) (Translate) MediaWiki automatic change
autocomment-prefix (talk) (Translate)  
autocreate-edit-warning (talk) (Translate) <strong>Warning:</strong> You are not logged in. Your edit will be attributed to an <strong>auto-generated name</strong> by adding a cookie to your browser. Your IP address will be visible to trusted users. If you <strong>[$1 log in]</strong> or <strong>[$2 create an account]</strong>, your edits will be attributed to a name you choose, along with other benefits.
autocreate-preview-warning (talk) (Translate) <em>You are not logged in. Your edit will be attributed to an auto-generated name and your IP address will be visible to administrators.</em>
autoredircomment (talk) (Translate) Redirected page to [[$1]]
autosumm-blank (talk) (Translate) Blanked the page
autosumm-changed-redirect-target (talk) (Translate) Changed redirect target from [[$1]] to [[$2]]
autosumm-new (talk) (Translate) Created page with "$1"
autosumm-newblank (talk) (Translate) Created blank page
autosumm-removed-redirect (talk) (Translate) Removed redirect to [[$1]]
autosumm-replace (talk) (Translate) Replaced content with "$1"
backend-fail-alreadyexists (talk) (Translate) The file "$1" already exists.
backend-fail-backup (talk) (Translate) Could not backup file "$1".
backend-fail-batchsize (talk) (Translate) The storage backend was given a batch of $1 file {{PLURAL:$1|operation|operations}}; the limit is $2 {{PLURAL:$2|operation|operations}}.
backend-fail-closetemp (talk) (Translate) Could not close temporary file.
backend-fail-connect (talk) (Translate) Could not connect to storage backend "$1".
backend-fail-contenttype (talk) (Translate) Could not determine the content type of the file to store at "$1".
backend-fail-copy (talk) (Translate) Could not copy file "$1" to "$2".
backend-fail-create (talk) (Translate) Could not write file "$1".
backend-fail-delete (talk) (Translate) Could not delete file "$1".
backend-fail-describe (talk) (Translate) Could not change metadata for file "$1".
backend-fail-hash (talk) (Translate) Could not determine the cryptographic hash of file "$1".
backend-fail-hashes (talk) (Translate) Could not get file hashes for comparison.
backend-fail-internal (talk) (Translate) An unknown error occurred in storage backend "$1".
backend-fail-invalidpath (talk) (Translate) "$1" is not a valid storage path.
backend-fail-maxsize (talk) (Translate) Could not write file "$1" because it is larger than {{PLURAL:$2|one byte|$2 bytes}}.
backend-fail-move (talk) (Translate) Could not move file "$1" to "$2".
backend-fail-notexists (talk) (Translate) The file $1 does not exist.
backend-fail-notsame (talk) (Translate) A non-identical file already exists at "$1".
backend-fail-opentemp (talk) (Translate) Could not open temporary file.
backend-fail-read (talk) (Translate) Could not read file "$1".
backend-fail-readonly (talk) (Translate) The storage backend "$1" is currently read-only. The reason given is: <em>$2</em>
backend-fail-sizes (talk) (Translate) Could not get file sizes for comparison.
backend-fail-stat (talk) (Translate) Could not read the status of file "$1".
backend-fail-store (talk) (Translate) Could not store file "$1" at "$2".
backend-fail-stream (talk) (Translate) Could not stream file "$1".
backend-fail-synced (talk) (Translate) The file "$1" is in an inconsistent state within the internal storage backends
backend-fail-usable (talk) (Translate) Could not read or write file "$1" due to insufficient permissions or missing directories/containers.
backend-fail-writetemp (talk) (Translate) Could not write to temporary file.
backlinksubtitle (talk) (Translate) ← $1
bad-target-model (talk) (Translate) The desired destination uses a different content model. Cannot convert from $1 to $2.
bad_image_list (talk) (Translate) The format is as follows: Only list items (lines starting with *) are considered. The first link on a line must be a link to a bad file. Any subsequent links on the same line are considered to be exceptions, i.e. pages where the file may occur inline.
badaccess (talk) (Translate) Permission error
badaccess-group0 (talk) (Translate) You are not allowed to execute the action you have requested.
badaccess-groups (talk) (Translate) The action you have requested is limited to users in {{PLURAL:$2|the group|one of the groups}}: $1.
badarticleerror (talk) (Translate) This action cannot be performed on this page.
badfilename (talk) (Translate) Filename has been changed to "$1".
badipaddress (talk) (Translate) Invalid IP address
badretype (talk) (Translate) The passwords you entered do not match.
badsig (talk) (Translate) Invalid raw signature. Check HTML tags.
badsightml (talk) (Translate) Your signature contains invalid or deprecated HTML syntax:
badsiglength (talk) (Translate) Your signature is too long. It must not be more than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|character|characters}} long.
badsiglinebreak (talk) (Translate) Your signature must consist of a single line of wikitext.
badsiglinks (talk) (Translate) Your signature must include a link to your user page, talk page or contributions on this wiki. Please add it, for example: <code>$1</code>.
badsigsubst (talk) (Translate) Your signature contains nested substitution (e.g. <code>subst:</code> or <code><nowiki>~~~~</nowiki></code>).
badtitle (talk) (Translate) Bad title
badtitletext (talk) (Translate) The requested page title was invalid, empty, or an incorrectly linked inter-language or inter-wiki title. It may contain one or more characters that cannot be used in titles.
bitrate-bits (talk) (Translate) $1 bps
bitrate-exabits (talk) (Translate) $1 Ebps
bitrate-gigabits (talk) (Translate) $1 Gbps
bitrate-kilobits (talk) (Translate) $1 kbps
bitrate-megabits (talk) (Translate) $1 Mbps
bitrate-petabits (talk) (Translate) $1 Pbps
bitrate-quettabits (talk) (Translate) $1 Qbps
bitrate-ronnabits (talk) (Translate) $1 Rbps
bitrate-terabits (talk) (Translate) $1 Tbps
bitrate-yottabits (talk) (Translate) $1 Ybps
bitrate-zettabits (talk) (Translate) $1 Zbps
blankarticle (talk) (Translate) <strong>Warning:</strong> The page you are creating is blank. If you click "$1" again, the page will be created without any content.
blanknamespace (talk) (Translate) (Main)
blankpage (talk) (Translate) Blank page
block (talk) (Translate) Block user
block-actions (talk) (Translate) Block type
block-autoblock-exemptionlist (talk) (Translate)  
block-details (talk) (Translate) Block details
block-expiry (talk) (Translate) Expiration:
block-log-flags-angry-autoblock (talk) (Translate) enhanced autoblock enabled
block-log-flags-anononly (talk) (Translate) anonymous users only
block-log-flags-hiddenname (talk) (Translate) username hidden
block-log-flags-noautoblock (talk) (Translate) autoblock disabled
block-log-flags-nocreate (talk) (Translate) account creation disabled
block-log-flags-noemail (talk) (Translate) email disabled
block-log-flags-nousertalk (talk) (Translate) cannot edit own talk page
block-options (talk) (Translate) Additional options:
block-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason:
block-target (talk) (Translate) Username, IP address, or IP range:
block-target-placeholder (talk) (Translate) UserName,, or
blocked-mailpassword (talk) (Translate) Your IP address is blocked from editing. To prevent abuse, it is not allowed to use password recovery from this IP address.
blocked-notice-logextract (talk) (Translate) This {{GENDER:$1|user}} is currently blocked. The latest block log entry is provided below for reference:
blockednoreason (talk) (Translate) no reason given
blockedtext (talk) (Translate) <strong>Your username or IP address has been blocked.</strong> The block was made by $1. The reason given is <em>$2</em>. * Start of block: $8 * Expiration of block: $6 * Intended blockee: $7 You can contact $1 or another [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|administrator]] to discuss the block. You can use the "{{int:emailuser}}" feature if a valid email address is specified in your [[Special:Preferences|preferences]] and you have not been blocked from using it. Your current IP address is $3, and the block ID is #$5. Please include all above details in any queries you make.
blockedtext-composite (talk) (Translate) <strong>Your username or IP address has been blocked.</strong> The reason given is: :<em>$2</em>. * Start of block: $8 * Expiration of longest block: $6 * $5 Your current IP address is $3. Please include all above details in any queries you make.
blockedtext-composite-ids (talk) (Translate) Relevant block IDs: $1 (your IP address may also appear in a blocklist)
blockedtext-composite-no-ids (talk) (Translate) Your IP address appears in multiple blocklists
blockedtext-composite-reason (talk) (Translate) There are multiple blocks against your account and/or IP address
blockedtext-partial (talk) (Translate) <strong>Your username or IP address is blocked from doing this. You may still be able to do other things on this site, such as editing certain pages.</strong> You can view the full block details at [[Special:MyContributions|account contributions]]. The block was made by $1. The reason given is <em>$2</em>. * Start of block: $8 * Expiration of block: $6 * Intended blockee: $7 * Block ID #$5
blockedtitle (talk) (Translate) User is blocked
blockip (talk) (Translate) Block {{GENDER:$1|user}}
blockipsuccesssub (talk) (Translate) Block succeeded
blockipsuccesstext (talk) (Translate) [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]] has been blocked.<br /> See the [[Special:BlockList|block list]] to review blocks.
blockiptext (talk) (Translate) Use the form below to block write access from a specific IP address or username. This should be done only to prevent vandalism, and in accordance with [[{{MediaWiki:Policy-url}}|policy]]. Fill in a specific reason below (for example, citing particular pages that were vandalized). You can block IP address ranges using the [ CIDR] syntax; the largest allowed range is /$1 for IPv4 and /$2 for IPv6.
blocklink (talk) (Translate) block
blocklist (talk) (Translate) Blocked users
blocklist-addressblocks (talk) (Translate) Hide single IP blocks
blocklist-autoblocks (talk) (Translate) Hide autoblocks
blocklist-by (talk) (Translate) Blocking admin
blocklist-editing (talk) (Translate) editing
blocklist-editing-action (talk) (Translate) actions
blocklist-editing-ns (talk) (Translate) namespaces
blocklist-editing-page (talk) (Translate) pages
blocklist-editing-sitewide (talk) (Translate) editing (sitewide)
blocklist-expiry (talk) (Translate) Expires
blocklist-indefblocks (talk) (Translate) Hide indefinite blocks
blocklist-nousertalk (talk) (Translate) cannot edit own talk page
blocklist-params (talk) (Translate) Block parameters
blocklist-rangeblocks (talk) (Translate) Hide range blocks
blocklist-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason
blocklist-summary (talk) (Translate)  
blocklist-target (talk) (Translate) Target
blocklist-tempblocks (talk) (Translate) Hide temporary blocks
blocklist-timestamp (talk) (Translate) Timestamp
blocklist-type (talk) (Translate) Type:
blocklist-type-opt-all (talk) (Translate) All
blocklist-type-opt-partial (talk) (Translate) Partial
blocklist-type-opt-sitewide (talk) (Translate) Sitewide
blocklist-userblocks (talk) (Translate) Hide account blocks
blocklog-showlog (talk) (Translate) This {{GENDER:$1|user}} has been blocked previously. The block log is provided below for reference:
blocklog-showsuppresslog (talk) (Translate) This user has been blocked and hidden previously. The suppress log is provided below for reference:
blocklogentry (talk) (Translate) blocked [[$1]] with an expiration time of $2 $3
blocklogpage (talk) (Translate) Block log
blocklogtext (talk) (Translate) This is a log of user blocking and unblocking actions. Automatically blocked IP addresses are not listed. See the [[Special:BlockList|block list]] for the list of currently operational bans and blocks.
booksources (talk) (Translate) Book sources
booksources-invalid-isbn (talk) (Translate) The given ISBN does not appear to be valid; check for errors copying from the original source.
booksources-isbn (talk) (Translate) ISBN:
booksources-search (talk) (Translate) Search
booksources-search-legend (talk) (Translate) Search for book sources
booksources-summary (talk) (Translate)  
booksources-text (talk) (Translate) Below is a list of links to other sites that sell new and used books, and may also have further information about books you are looking for:
boteditletter (talk) (Translate) b
botpasswords (talk) (Translate) Bot passwords
botpasswords-bad-appid (talk) (Translate) The bot name "$1" is not valid.
botpasswords-created-body (talk) (Translate) The bot password for bot name "$1" of {{GENDER:$2|user}} "$2" was created.
botpasswords-created-title (talk) (Translate) Bot password created
botpasswords-createnew (talk) (Translate) Create a new bot password
botpasswords-deleted-body (talk) (Translate) The bot password for bot name "$1" of {{GENDER:$2|user}} "$2" was deleted.
botpasswords-deleted-title (talk) (Translate) Bot password deleted
botpasswords-disabled (talk) (Translate) Bot passwords are disabled.
botpasswords-editexisting (talk) (Translate) Edit an existing bot password
botpasswords-existing (talk) (Translate) Existing bot passwords
botpasswords-help-grants (talk) (Translate) Grants allow access to rights already held by your user account. Enabling a grant here does not provide access to any rights that your user account would not otherwise have. See the [[Special:ListGrants|table of grants]] for more information.
botpasswords-insert-failed (talk) (Translate) Failed to add bot name "$1". Was it already added?
botpasswords-invalid-name (talk) (Translate) The username specified does not contain the bot password separator ("$1").
botpasswords-label-appid (talk) (Translate) Bot name:
botpasswords-label-cancel (talk) (Translate) Cancel
botpasswords-label-create (talk) (Translate) Create
botpasswords-label-delete (talk) (Translate) Delete
botpasswords-label-grants (talk) (Translate) Applicable grants:
botpasswords-label-grants-column (talk) (Translate) Granted
botpasswords-label-needsreset (talk) (Translate) (password needs reset)
botpasswords-label-resetpassword (talk) (Translate) Reset the password
botpasswords-label-update (talk) (Translate) Update
botpasswords-locked (talk) (Translate) You cannot login with a bot password as your account is locked.
botpasswords-needs-reset (talk) (Translate) The bot password for bot name "$2" of {{GENDER:$1|user}} "$1" must be reset.
botpasswords-newpassword (talk) (Translate) The new password to log in with <strong>$1</strong> is <strong>$2</strong>. <em>Please record this for future reference.</em> <br> (For old bots which require the login name to be the same as the eventual username, you can also use <strong>$3</strong> as username and <strong>$4</strong> as password.)
botpasswords-no-central-id (talk) (Translate) To use bot passwords, you must be logged in to a centralized account.
botpasswords-no-provider (talk) (Translate) BotPasswordsSessionProvider is not available.
botpasswords-not-exist (talk) (Translate) User "$1" does not have a bot password named "$2".
botpasswords-restriction-failed (talk) (Translate) Bot password restrictions prevent this login.
botpasswords-summary (talk) (Translate) <em>Bot passwords</em> allow access to a user account via the API without using the account's main login credentials. The user rights available when logged in with a bot password may be restricted. If you don't know why you might want to do this, you should probably not do it. No one should ever ask you to generate one of these and give it to them.
botpasswords-toolong-grants (talk) (Translate) There are too many grants selected.
botpasswords-toolong-restrictions (talk) (Translate) There are too many IP addresses or ranges entered.
botpasswords-update-failed (talk) (Translate) Failed to update bot name "$1". Was it deleted?
botpasswords-updated-body (talk) (Translate) The bot password for bot name "$1" of {{GENDER:$2|user}} "$2" was updated.
botpasswords-updated-title (talk) (Translate) Bot password updated
brackets (talk) (Translate) [$1]
brackets-end (talk) (Translate) ]
brackets-start (talk) (Translate) [
broken-file-category (talk) (Translate) Pages with broken file links
broken-file-category-desc (talk) (Translate) The page contains a broken file link (a link to embed a file when the file does not exist).
brokenredirects (talk) (Translate) Broken redirects
brokenredirects-delete (talk) (Translate) delete
brokenredirects-delete-reason (talk) (Translate)  
brokenredirects-edit (talk) (Translate) edit
brokenredirects-summary (talk) (Translate)  
brokenredirectstext (talk) (Translate) The following redirects link to non-existent pages:
bydate (talk) (Translate) by date
cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ttl (talk) (Translate) You are viewing a cached version of this page, which can be up to $1 old.
cactions (talk) (Translate) More
cactions-mobile (talk) (Translate) Page actions
cancel (talk) (Translate) Cancel
cannotauth-not-allowed (talk) (Translate) You are not allowed to use this page
cannotauth-not-allowed-title (talk) (Translate) Permission denied
cannotchangeemail (talk) (Translate) Account email addresses cannot be changed on this wiki.
cannotcreateaccount-text (talk) (Translate) Direct account creation is not enabled on this wiki.
cannotcreateaccount-title (talk) (Translate) Cannot create accounts
cannotdelete (talk) (Translate) The page or file "$1" could not be deleted. It may have already been deleted by someone else.
cannotdelete-title (talk) (Translate) Cannot delete page "$1"
cannotlink-no-provider (talk) (Translate) There are no linkable accounts.
cannotlink-no-provider-title (talk) (Translate) There are no linkable accounts
cannotlogin-text (talk) (Translate) Logging in is not possible.
cannotlogin-title (talk) (Translate) Cannot log in
cannotloginnow-text (talk) (Translate) Logging in is not possible when using $1.
cannotloginnow-title (talk) (Translate) Cannot log in now
cannotlogoutnow-text (talk) (Translate) Logging out is not possible when using $1.
cannotlogoutnow-title (talk) (Translate) Cannot log out now
cannotmove (talk) (Translate) The page could not be moved, for the following {{PLURAL:$1|reason|reasons}}:
cannotundelete (talk) (Translate) Some or all of the undeletion failed: $1
cannotunlink-no-provider (talk) (Translate) There are no linked accounts that can be unlinked.
cannotunlink-no-provider-title (talk) (Translate) There are no linked accounts to unlink
cant-block-nonexistent-page (talk) (Translate) You cannot block a user from $1 because the page does not exist
cant-move-category-page (talk) (Translate) You do not have permission to move category pages.
cant-move-subpages (talk) (Translate) You do not have permission to move subpages.
cant-move-to-category-page (talk) (Translate) You do not have permission to move a page to a category page.
cant-move-to-user-page (talk) (Translate) You do not have permission to move a page to a user page (except to a user subpage).
cant-move-user-page (talk) (Translate) You do not have permission to move user pages (apart from subpages).
cant-see-hidden-user (talk) (Translate) The user you are trying to block has already been blocked and hidden. Since you do not have the hideuser right, you cannot see or edit the user's block.
cantmove-titleprotected (talk) (Translate) You cannot move a page to this location because the new title has been protected from creation.
cantrollback (talk) (Translate) Cannot revert the edit. The last contributor is the only author of this page.
captcha-addurl (talk) (Translate) Your edit includes new external links. To protect the wiki against automated spam, we kindly ask you to solve the following task below and enter the answer in the box in order to save your edit ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):
captcha-addurl-whitelist (talk) (Translate) #<!-- leave this line exactly as it is --> <pre> # Syntax is as follows: # * Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment # * Every non-blank line is a regex fragment which will only match hosts inside URLs #</pre> <!-- leave this line exactly as it is -->
captcha-apihelp-param-captchaid (talk) (Translate) CAPTCHA ID from previous request
captcha-apihelp-param-captchaword (talk) (Translate) Answer to the CAPTCHA
captcha-badlogin (talk) (Translate) To protect the wiki against automated password cracking, we kindly ask you to solve the following task below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):
captcha-create (talk) (Translate) To create the page, please solve the following task below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):
captcha-createaccount (talk) (Translate) To protect the wiki against automated account creation, we kindly ask you to solve the following task below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):
captcha-createaccount-fail (talk) (Translate) Incorrect or missing CAPTCHA.
captcha-desc (talk) (Translate) Provides CAPTCHA techniques to protect against spam and password-guessing
captcha-disabledinapi (talk) (Translate) This action requires a CAPTCHA, so it cannot be performed through the API.
captcha-edit (talk) (Translate) To edit this page, please solve the following task below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):
captcha-edit-fail (talk) (Translate) Incorrect or missing CAPTCHA.
captcha-error (talk) (Translate) CAPTCHA verification failed due to internal error: $1
captcha-help (talk) (Translate) Solution of the CAPTCHA.
captcha-id-help (talk) (Translate) This value should be sent back unchanged.
captcha-id-label (talk) (Translate) CAPTCHA ID
captcha-info-help (talk) (Translate) Description of the CAPTCHA.
captcha-ip-whitelist (talk) (Translate) -
captcha-label (talk) (Translate) CAPTCHA
captcha-sendemail (talk) (Translate) To protect the wiki against automated spamming, we kindly ask you to solve the following task below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):
captcha-sendemail-fail (talk) (Translate) Incorrect or missing CAPTCHA.
captchahelp-cookies-needed (talk) (Translate) You will need to have cookies enabled in your browser for this to work.
captchahelp-text (talk) (Translate) Web sites that accept postings from the public, like this wiki, are often abused by spammers who use automated tools to post their links to many sites. While these spam links can be removed, they are a significant nuisance. Sometimes, especially when adding new web links to a page, the wiki may show you an image of colored or distorted text and ask you to type the words shown. Since this is a task that's hard to automate, it will allow most real humans to make their posts while stopping most spammers and other robotic attackers. Unfortunately this may inconvenience users with limited vision or using text-based or speech-based browsers. At the moment we do not have an audio alternative available. Please contact the [[Special:ListAdmins|site administrators]] for assistance if this is unexpectedly preventing you from making legitimate actions. Hit the "back" button in your browser to return to the page editor.
captchahelp-title (talk) (Translate) CAPTCHA help
cascadeprotected (talk) (Translate) This page has been protected from editing because it is transcluded in the following {{PLURAL:$1|page, which is|pages, which are}} protected with the "cascading" option turned on: $2
cascadeprotectedwarning (talk) (Translate) <strong>Warning:</strong> This page has been protected so that only users with [[Special:ListGroupRights|specific rights]] can edit it because it is transcluded in the following cascade-protected {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}:
categories (talk) (Translate) Categories
categories-submit (talk) (Translate) Show
categories-summary (talk) (Translate)  
categoriesfrom (talk) (Translate) Display categories starting at:
categoriespagetext (talk) (Translate) The following {{PLURAL:$1|category exists|categories exist}} on the wiki, and may or may not be unused. Also see [[Special:WantedCategories|wanted categories]].
category-article-count (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$2|This category contains only the following page.|The following {{PLURAL:$1|page is|$1 pages are}} in this category, out of $2 total.}}
category-article-count-limited (talk) (Translate) The following {{PLURAL:$1|page is|$1 pages are}} in the current category.
category-empty (talk) (Translate) <em>This category currently contains no pages or media.</em>
category-file-count (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$2|This category contains only the following file.|The following {{PLURAL:$1|file is|$1 files are}} in this category, out of $2 total.}}
category-file-count-limited (talk) (Translate) The following {{PLURAL:$1|file is|$1 files are}} in the current category.
category-header-numerals (talk) (Translate) $1–$2
category-media-header (talk) (Translate) Media in category "$1"
category-move-redirect-override (talk) (Translate) -
category-subcat-count (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$2|This category has only the following subcategory.|This category has the following {{PLURAL:$1|subcategory|$1 subcategories}}, out of $2 total.}}
category-subcat-count-limited (talk) (Translate) This category has the following {{PLURAL:$1|subcategory|$1 subcategories}}.
category_header (talk) (Translate) Pages in category "$1"
categorypage (talk) (Translate) View category page
categorytree (talk) (Translate) Category tree
categorytree-category (talk) (Translate) Category:
categorytree-collapse (talk) (Translate) collapse
categorytree-desc (talk) (Translate) Dynamically navigate the [[Special:CategoryTree|category structure]]
categorytree-error (talk) (Translate) Problem loading data.
categorytree-expand (talk) (Translate) expand
categorytree-go (talk) (Translate) Show tree
categorytree-header (talk) (Translate) Enter a category name to see its contents as a tree structure. (Requires JavaScript.)
categorytree-legend (talk) (Translate) Show category tree
categorytree-load (talk) (Translate) load
categorytree-loading (talk) (Translate) loading…
categorytree-member-counts (talk) (Translate) Contains {{PLURAL:$1|1 subcategory|$1 subcategories}}, {{PLURAL:$2|1 page|$2 pages}}, and {{PLURAL:$3|1 file|$3 files}}
categorytree-member-num (talk) (Translate) ($5)
categorytree-mode-all (talk) (Translate) all pages
categorytree-mode-categories (talk) (Translate) categories only
categorytree-mode-label (talk) (Translate) Mode:
categorytree-mode-pages (talk) (Translate) pages except files
categorytree-no-pages (talk) (Translate) no pages or subcategories
categorytree-no-parent-categories (talk) (Translate) no parent categories
categorytree-no-subcategories (talk) (Translate) no subcategories
categorytree-not-found (talk) (Translate) Category <i>$1</i> not found
categorytree-nothing-found (talk) (Translate) nothing found
categorytree-num-categories (talk) (Translate) $1 C
categorytree-num-empty (talk) (Translate) empty
categorytree-num-files (talk) (Translate) $1 F
categorytree-num-pages (talk) (Translate) $1 P
categorytree-parents (talk) (Translate) Parents
categorytree-portlet (talk) (Translate) Categories
categorytree-retry (talk) (Translate) Please wait a moment and try again.
categoryviewer-pagedlinks (talk) (Translate) ($1) ($2)
change-blocklink (talk) (Translate) change block
changeblockip (talk) (Translate) Change block
changecontentmodel (talk) (Translate) Change content model of a page
changecontentmodel-cannot-convert (talk) (Translate) The content on [[:$1]] cannot be converted to a type of $2.
changecontentmodel-current-label (talk) (Translate) Current content model:
changecontentmodel-emptymodels-text (talk) (Translate) The content on [[:$1]] cannot be converted to any type.
changecontentmodel-emptymodels-title (talk) (Translate) No content models available
changecontentmodel-legend (talk) (Translate) Change content model
changecontentmodel-model-label (talk) (Translate) New content model:
changecontentmodel-nodirectediting (talk) (Translate) The $1 content model does not support direct editing
changecontentmodel-reason-label (talk) (Translate) Reason:
changecontentmodel-submit (talk) (Translate) Change
changecontentmodel-success-text (talk) (Translate) The content type of [[:$1]] has been changed.
changecontentmodel-success-title (talk) (Translate) The content model was changed
changecontentmodel-title-label (talk) (Translate) Page title:
changecredentials (talk) (Translate) Change credentials
changecredentials-invalidsubpage (talk) (Translate) $1 is not a valid credential type.
changecredentials-submit (talk) (Translate) Change credentials
changecredentials-success (talk) (Translate) Your credentials have been changed.
changed (talk) (Translate) changed
changeemail (talk) (Translate) Change or remove email address
changeemail-header (talk) (Translate) Complete this form to change your email address. If you would like to remove the association of any email address from your account, leave the new email address blank when submitting the form.
changeemail-maxlength (talk) (Translate) Your email address should have at most 255 characters.
changeemail-newemail (talk) (Translate) New email address:
changeemail-newemail-help (talk) (Translate) This field should be left blank if you want to remove your email address. You will not be able to reset a forgotten password and will not receive emails from this wiki if the email address is removed.
changeemail-no-info (talk) (Translate) You must be logged in to access this page directly.
changeemail-nochange (talk) (Translate) Please enter a different new email address.
changeemail-none (talk) (Translate) (none)
changeemail-oldemail (talk) (Translate) Current email address:
changeemail-password (talk) (Translate) Your {{SITENAME}} password:
changeemail-submit (talk) (Translate) Change email
changeemail-summary (talk) (Translate)  
changeemail-throttled (talk) (Translate) You have made too many login attempts. Please wait $1 before trying again.
changepassword (talk) (Translate) Change password
changepassword-success (talk) (Translate) Your password has been changed!
changepassword-summary (talk) (Translate)  
changepassword-throttled (talk) (Translate) You have made too many recent login attempts. Please wait $1 before trying again.
changeslist-nocomment (talk) (Translate) No edit summary
checkbox-all (talk) (Translate) All
checkbox-invert (talk) (Translate) Invert
checkbox-none (talk) (Translate) None
checkbox-select (talk) (Translate) Select: $1
cite-desc (talk) (Translate) Adds <code><ref></code> and <code><references></code> tags for citations
cite-tool-definition.json (talk) (Translate) null
cite-tracking-category-cite-error (talk) (Translate) Pages with reference errors
cite-tracking-category-cite-error-desc (talk) (Translate) Pages in this category have errors in the usage of references tags.
cite-ve-changedesc-ref-group-both (talk) (Translate) Reference group changed from "$1" to "$2"
cite-ve-changedesc-ref-group-from (talk) (Translate) Reference group changed from "$1" to the general group
cite-ve-changedesc-ref-group-to (talk) (Translate) Reference group changed from the general group to "$1"
cite-ve-changedesc-reflist-group-both (talk) (Translate) References list group changed from "$1" to "$2"
cite-ve-changedesc-reflist-group-from (talk) (Translate) References list group changed from "$1" to the general group
cite-ve-changedesc-reflist-group-to (talk) (Translate) References list group changed from the general group to "$1"
cite-ve-changedesc-reflist-responsive-set (talk) (Translate) References list changed to display in responsive columns
cite-ve-changedesc-reflist-responsive-unset (talk) (Translate) References list changed to display in only one column
cite-ve-citationneeded-button (talk) (Translate) Add a citation
cite-ve-citationneeded-description (talk) (Translate) An editor has indicated that this claim needs a citation to a reliable source.
cite-ve-citationneeded-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason given:
cite-ve-citationneeded-title (talk) (Translate) Citation needed
cite-ve-dialog-reference-editing-reused (talk) (Translate) This reference is used {{PLURAL:$1|once|2=twice|$1 times}} on this page.
cite-ve-dialog-reference-editing-reused-long (talk) (Translate) This reference is used {{PLURAL:$1|once|2=twice|$1 times}} on this page. Changes made here will be applied in all places where this reference is reused.
cite-ve-dialog-reference-options-group-label (talk) (Translate) Use this group
cite-ve-dialog-reference-options-group-placeholder (talk) (Translate) General references
cite-ve-dialog-reference-options-name-label (talk) (Translate) Re-use by this name
cite-ve-dialog-reference-options-responsive-label (talk) (Translate) Use responsive column layout
cite-ve-dialog-reference-options-section (talk) (Translate) Options
cite-ve-dialog-reference-placeholder (talk) (Translate) Write or paste your reference here, or insert a citation template.
cite-ve-dialog-reference-title (talk) (Translate) Reference
cite-ve-dialog-reference-useexisting-tool (talk) (Translate) Re-use
cite-ve-dialog-referenceslist-contextitem-description-general (talk) (Translate) List of general references
cite-ve-dialog-referenceslist-contextitem-description-named (talk) (Translate) List of references for group "$1"
cite-ve-dialog-referenceslist-title (talk) (Translate) References list
cite-ve-dialogbutton-citation-educationpopup-text (talk) (Translate) Improves your content by adding sources of information. You can cite from books, newspapers and websites.
cite-ve-dialogbutton-citation-educationpopup-title (talk) (Translate) Citations
cite-ve-dialogbutton-reference-full-label (talk) (Translate) Basic
cite-ve-dialogbutton-reference-title (talk) (Translate) Reference
cite-ve-dialogbutton-reference-tooltip (talk) (Translate) Basic
cite-ve-dialogbutton-referenceslist-tooltip (talk) (Translate) References list
cite-ve-othergroup-item (talk) (Translate) $1 reference
cite-ve-reference-input-placeholder (talk) (Translate) Search within current citations
cite-ve-referenceslist-isempty (talk) (Translate) There are no references with the group "$1" on this page to include in this list.
cite-ve-referenceslist-isempty-default (talk) (Translate) There are no references on this page to include in this list.
cite-ve-referenceslist-missingref (talk) (Translate) This reference is defined in a template or other generated block, and for now can only be edited in source mode.
cite-ve-referenceslist-missingref-in-list (talk) (Translate) This reference is defined in a template or other generated block, and for now can only be previewed in source mode.
cite-ve-referenceslist-missingreflist (talk) (Translate) This reference list is generated by a template, and for now can only be edited in source mode.
cite-ve-toolbar-group-label (talk) (Translate) Cite
cite_error (talk) (Translate) Cite error: $1
cite_error_empty_references_define (talk) (Translate) <code><ref></code> tag with name "$1" defined in <code><references></code> group "$2" has no content.
cite_error_group_refs_without_references (talk) (Translate) <code><ref></code> tags exist for a group named "$1", but no corresponding <code><references group="$1"/></code> tag was found
cite_error_included_ref (talk) (Translate) Closing <code></ref></code> missing for <code><ref></code> tag
cite_error_included_references (talk) (Translate) Closing tag missing for <code><references></code>
cite_error_no_link_label_group (talk) (Translate) Ran out of custom link labels for group "$1". Define more in the [[MediaWiki:$2]] message.
cite_error_ref_invalid_dir (talk) (Translate) Invalid <code>dir="$1"</code>, must be <code>ltr</code> or <code>rtl</code>
cite_error_ref_nested_extends (talk) (Translate) Extending <code><ref></code> tags more than one level deep is not allowed
cite_error_ref_no_input (talk) (Translate) Invalid <code><ref></code> tag; refs with no name must have content
cite_error_ref_no_key (talk) (Translate) The opening <code><ref></code> tag is malformed or has a bad name
cite_error_ref_numeric_key (talk) (Translate) Invalid <code><ref></code> tag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title
cite_error_ref_too_many_keys (talk) (Translate) Invalid <code><ref></code> tag; invalid names, e.g. too many
cite_error_references_duplicate_key (talk) (Translate) Invalid <code><ref></code> tag; name "$1" defined multiple times with different content
cite_error_references_group_mismatch (talk) (Translate) <code><ref></code> tag in <code><references></code> has conflicting group attribute "$1".
cite_error_references_invalid_parameters (talk) (Translate) Invalid parameter in <code><references></code> tag
cite_error_references_missing_group (talk) (Translate) <code><ref></code> tag with name "$2" defined in <code><references></code> has group attribute "$1" which does not appear in prior text.
cite_error_references_missing_key (talk) (Translate) <code><ref></code> tag with name "$1" defined in <code><references></code> is not used in prior text.
cite_error_references_no_backlink_label (talk) (Translate) Ran out of custom backlink labels. Define more in the [[MediaWiki:Cite references link many format backlink labels]] message.
cite_error_references_no_key (talk) (Translate) <code><ref></code> tag defined in <code><references></code> has no name attribute.
cite_error_references_no_text (talk) (Translate) Invalid <code><ref></code> tag; no text was provided for refs named <code>$1</code>
cite_reference_link (talk) (Translate) <sup id="$1" class="reference">[[#$2|[$3]]]</sup>
cite_reference_link_key_with_num (talk) (Translate) $1_$2
cite_reference_link_prefix (talk) (Translate) cite_ref-
cite_reference_link_suffix (talk) (Translate)  
cite_references_link_accessibility_back_label (talk) (Translate) Jump back up
cite_references_link_accessibility_label (talk) (Translate) Jump up
cite_references_link_many (talk) (Translate) <li id="$1"$4><span class="mw-cite-backlink">↑ $2</span> $3</li>
cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label (talk) (Translate) Jump up to:
cite_references_link_many_and (talk) (Translate)
cite_references_link_many_format (talk) (Translate) <sup>[[#$1|$2]]</sup>
cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels (talk) (Translate) a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz na nb nc nd ne nf ng nh ni nj nk nl nm nn no np nq nr ns nt nu nv nw nx ny nz oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi oj ok ol om on oo op oq or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz pa pb pc pd pe pf pg ph pi pj pk pl pm pn po pp pq pr ps pt pu pv pw px py pz qa qb qc qd qe qf qg qh qi qj qk ql qm qn qo qp qq qr qs qt qu qv qw qx qy qz ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rq rr rs rt ru rv rw rx ry rz sa sb sc sd se sf sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn so sp sq sr ss st su sv sw sx sy sz ta tb tc td te tf tg th ti tj tk tl tm tn to tp tq tr ts tt tu tv tw tx ty tz ua ub uc ud ue uf ug uh ui uj uk ul um un uo up uq ur us ut uu uv uw ux uy uz va vb vc vd ve vf vg vh vi vj vk vl vm vn vo vp vq vr vs vt vu vv vw vx vy vz wa wb wc wd we wf wg wh wi wj wk wl wm wn wo wp wq wr ws wt wu wv ww wx wy wz xa xb xc xd xe xf xg xh xi xj xk xl xm xn xo xp xq xr xs xt xu xv xw xx xy xz ya yb yc yd ye yf yg yh yi yj yk yl ym yn yo yp yq yr ys yt yu yv yw yx yy yz za zb zc zd ze zf zg zh zi zj zk zl zm zn zo zp zq zr zs zt zu zv zw zx zy zz
cite_references_link_many_sep (talk) (Translate)
cite_references_link_one (talk) (Translate) <li id="$1"$4><span class="mw-cite-backlink">[[#$2|↑]]</span> $3</li>
cite_references_link_prefix (talk) (Translate) cite_note-
cite_references_link_suffix (talk) (Translate)  
cite_references_no_link (talk) (Translate) <p id="$1">$2</p>
cite_section_preview_references (talk) (Translate) Preview of references
cite_warning (talk) (Translate) Cite warning: $1
cite_warning_sectionpreview_no_text (talk) (Translate) <code><ref></code> tag with name <code>$1</code> cannot be previewed because it is defined outside the current section or not defined at all.
citethispage (talk) (Translate) Cite This Page
citethispage-badrevision (talk) (Translate) Error: could not find any revision for the page "$1" with the revision ID $2.
citethispage-change-submit (talk) (Translate) Cite
citethispage-change-target (talk) (Translate) Page:
citethispage-content (talk) (Translate) __NOTOC__ <div class="mw-specialCiteThisPage-bibliographic"> == Bibliographic details for {{FULLPAGENAME}} == * Page name: {{FULLPAGENAME}} * Author: {{SITENAME}} contributors * Publisher: ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}''. * Date of last revision: {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}} {{CURRENTTIME}} UTC * Date retrieved: <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}} {{CURRENTTIME}} UTC</citation> * Permanent URL: {{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}} * Page Version ID: {{REVISIONID}} </div> <div class="plainlinks mw-specialCiteThisPage-styles"> == Citation styles for {{FULLPAGENAME}} == === [[APA style]] === {{FULLPAGENAME}}. ({{CURRENTYEAR}}, {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}). ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}''. Retrieved <citation>{{CURRENTTIME}}, {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation> from {{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}. === [[The MLA style manual|MLA style]] === "{{FULLPAGENAME}}." ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}''. {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}, {{CURRENTTIME}} UTC. <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}, {{CURRENTTIME}}</citation> <{{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}>. === [[MHRA Style Guide|MHRA style]] === {{SITENAME}} contributors, '{{FULLPAGENAME}}', ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}},'' {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}, {{CURRENTTIME}} UTC, <{{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}> [accessed <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>] === [[The Chicago Manual of Style|Chicago style]] === {{SITENAME}} contributors, "{{FULLPAGENAME}}," ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}},'' {{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}} (accessed <citation>{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>). === [[Council of Science Editors|CBE/CSE style]] === {{SITENAME}} contributors. {{FULLPAGENAME}} [Internet]. {{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}; {{CURRENTYEAR}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTTIME}} UTC [cited <citation>{{CURRENTYEAR}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{CURRENTDAY}}</citation>]. Available from: {{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}. === [[Bluebook|Bluebook style]] === {{FULLPAGENAME}}, {{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}} (last visited <citation>{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>). === [[BibTeX]] entry === @misc{ wiki:xxx, author = "{{SITENAME}}", title = "{{FULLPAGENAME}} --- {{SITENAME}}{,} {{int:sitesubtitle}}", year = "{{CURRENTYEAR}}", url = "{{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}", note = "[Online; accessed <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}}-{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}-{{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>]" } When using the [[LaTeX]] package url (<code>\usepackage{url}</code> somewhere in the preamble) which tends to give much more nicely formatted web addresses, the following may be preferred: @misc{ wiki:xxx, author = "{{SITENAME}}", title = "{{FULLPAGENAME}} --- {{SITENAME}}{,} {{int:sitesubtitle}}", year = "{{CURRENTYEAR}}", url = "'''\url{'''{{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}'''}'''", note = "[Online; accessed <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}}-{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}-{{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>]" } </div> <!--closing div for "plainlinks"-->
__NOTOC__ <div class="mw-specialCiteThisPage-bibliographic"> == bibliographic details == * page name: "{{FULLPAGENAME}}" * author: [[Nicole Lee Sharp]] * publisher: <cite class="i">[[NikkiWiki|NikkiWiki, Nicole Sharp's Wiki]]</cite> * date of last revision: <code>{{REVISIONYEAR}}-{{REVISIONMONTH}}-{{REVISIONDAY2}}Z</code> * date retrieved: <code>{{CURRENTYEAR}}-{{CURRENTMONTH}}-{{CURRENTDAY2}}Z</code> * permanent uniform resource locator (URL): {{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}} * page version identification number: {{REVISIONID}} </div> <div class="plainlinks mw-specialCiteThisPage-styles"> == citation styles == === [[wikipedia:APA style|<abbr title="American Psychological Association">APA</abbr> style]] === Sharp, N.L. ({{REVISIONYEAR}}). {{FULLPAGENAME}}. <cite>{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}</cite>. Retrieved {{CURRENTTIME}}Z, {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}} from {{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}. === [[wikipedia:Bluebook style|Bluebook style]] === {{FULLPAGENAME}}, {{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}} (last visited {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}}). === [[wikipedia:CMS style|Chicago style]] === Nicole L. Sharp, "{{FULLPAGENAME}}," <cite>{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}</cite> ({{REVISIONYEAR}}), {{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}} (accessed {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}}). === [[wikipedia:CSE style|<abbr title="Council of Science Editors">CSE</abbr> style]] === Nicole Sharp. {{FULLPAGENAME}} [Internet]. <cite class="n">{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}</cite>; {{REVISIONYEAR}}-{{REVISIONMONTH}}-{{REVISIONDAY2}} [cited {{CURRENTYEAR}}-{{CURRENTMONTH}}-{{CURRENTDAY2}}]. Available from: {{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}. === [[wikipedia:MHRA style|<abbr title="Modern Humanities Research Association">MHRA</abbr> style]] === Nicole Sharp, '{{FULLPAGENAME}}', <cite>{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}</cite>, {{REVISIONYEAR}}-{{REVISIONMONTH}}-{{REVISIONDAY2}}, <{{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}> [accessed {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}] === [[wikipedia:MLA style|<abbr title="Modern Language Association">MLA</abbr> style]] === "{{FULLPAGENAME}}." <cite>{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}</cite>. {{REVISIONYEAR}}-{{REVISIONMONTH}}-{{REVISIONDAY2}}. {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{CURRENTYEAR}} <{{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}>. == [[wikipedia:BibTeX|<abbr title="Bibliography TeX">BibTeX</abbr>]] entry == @misc{ wiki:xxx, author = "Nicole L. {Sharp}", title = "{{FULLPAGENAME}} --- {{SITENAME}}{,} {{int:sitesubtitle}}", year = "{{REVISIONYEAR}}", url = "{{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}", note = "[Online; accessed {{CURRENTDAY}}-{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}-{{CURRENTYEAR}}]" } When using the [[wikipedia:LaTeX|<abbr title="Lamport TeX">LaTeX</abbr>]] package URL ("<code>\usepackage{url}</code>" somewhere in the preamble) which tends to give much more nicely formatted web addresses, the following may be preferred: @misc{ wiki:xxx, author = "Nicole L. {Sharp}", title = "{{FULLPAGENAME}} --- {{SITENAME}}{,} {{int:sitesubtitle}}", year = "{{REVISIONYEAR}}", url = "'''\url{'''{{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}'''}'''", note = "[Online; accessed {{CURRENTDAY}}-{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}-{{CURRENTYEAR}}]" } </div>
citethispage-desc (talk) (Translate) Adds a [[Special:CiteThisPage|citation]] special page and toolbox link
citethispage-link (talk) (Translate) Cite this page
citethispage-summary (talk) (Translate)  
clearyourcache (talk) (Translate) <strong>Note:</strong> After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. * <strong>Firefox / Safari:</strong> Hold <em>Shift</em> while clicking <em>Reload</em>, or press either <em>Ctrl-F5</em> or <em>Ctrl-R</em> (<em>⌘-R</em> on a Mac) * <strong>Google Chrome:</strong> Press <em>Ctrl-Shift-R</em> (<em>⌘-Shift-R</em> on a Mac) * <strong>Internet Explorer / Edge:</strong> Hold <em>Ctrl</em> while clicking <em>Refresh</em>, or press <em>Ctrl-F5</em> * <strong>Opera:</strong> Press <em>Ctrl-F5</em>.
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codeeditor-error-message (talk) (Translate) CodeEditor needs WikiEditor to be loaded.
codeeditor-error-title (talk) (Translate) Dependency failed
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codeeditor-toolbar-toggle (talk) (Translate) Toggle code editor
collabpad (talk) (Translate) CollabPad
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collapsible-expand (talk) (Translate) Expand
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compare-page2 (talk) (Translate) Page 2
compare-rev1 (talk) (Translate) Revision 1
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compare-revision-not-exists (talk) (Translate) The revision you specified does not exist.
compare-submit (talk) (Translate) Compare
comparepages (talk) (Translate) Compare pages
comparepages-summary (talk) (Translate)  
compareselectedversions (talk) (Translate) Compare selected revisions
config-invalid-key (talk) (Translate) Invalid MediaWiki configuration parameter "$1": $2
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confirmedit-preview-content (talk) (Translate) Content
confirmedit-preview-description (talk) (Translate) The following table shows the list of lines on this page and whether it's a valid IP address or IP address range. If the line is a valid IP address or IP address range, it will be excluded from CAPTCHA checks but invalid lines will be ignored. An example of a valid IP address range would be: which goes from to [ More information] about calculating an IP address range.
confirmedit-preview-invalid (talk) (Translate) invalid
confirmedit-preview-line (talk) (Translate) Line number
confirmedit-preview-valid (talk) (Translate) valid
confirmedit-preview-validity (talk) (Translate) Validity
confirmedittext (talk) (Translate) You must confirm your email address before editing pages. Please set and validate your email address through your [[Special:Preferences|user preferences]].
confirmemail (talk) (Translate) Confirm email address
confirmemail_body (talk) (Translate) Someone, probably you, from IP address $1, has registered an account "$2" with this email address on {{SITENAME}}. To confirm that this account really does belong to you and activate email features on {{SITENAME}}, open this link in your browser: $3 If you did *not* register the account, follow this link to cancel the email address confirmation: $5 This confirmation code will expire at $4.
confirmemail_body_changed (talk) (Translate) Someone, probably you, from IP address $1, has changed the email address of the account "$2" to this address on {{SITENAME}}. To confirm that this account really does belong to you and reactivate email features on {{SITENAME}}, open this link in your browser: $3 If the account does *not* belong to you, follow this link to cancel the email address confirmation: $5 This confirmation code will expire at $4.
confirmemail_body_set (talk) (Translate) Someone, probably you, from IP address $1, has set the email address of the account "$2" to this address on {{SITENAME}}. To confirm that this account really does belong to you and activate email features on {{SITENAME}}, open this link in your browser: $3 If the account does *not* belong to you, follow this link to cancel the email address confirmation: $5 This confirmation code will expire at $4.
confirmemail_invalid (talk) (Translate) Invalid confirmation code. The code may have expired.
confirmemail_invalidated (talk) (Translate) Email address confirmation canceled
confirmemail_loggedin (talk) (Translate) Your email address has now been confirmed.
confirmemail_needlogin (talk) (Translate) Please $1 to confirm your email address.
confirmemail_noemail (talk) (Translate) You do not have a valid email address set in your [[Special:Preferences|user preferences]].
confirmemail_oncreate (talk) (Translate) A confirmation code was sent to your email address. This code is not required to log in, but you will need to provide it before enabling any email-based features in the wiki.
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confirmemail_send (talk) (Translate) Mail a confirmation code
confirmemail_sendfailed (talk) (Translate) {{SITENAME}} could not send your confirmation mail. Please check your email address for invalid characters. Mailer returned: $1
confirmemail_sent (talk) (Translate) Confirmation email sent.
confirmemail_subject (talk) (Translate) {{SITENAME}} email address confirmation
confirmemail_success (talk) (Translate) Your email address has been confirmed. You may now [[Special:UserLogin|log in]] and enjoy the wiki.
confirmemail_text (talk) (Translate) {{SITENAME}} requires that you validate your email address before using email features. Activate the button below to send a confirmation mail to your address. The mail will include a link containing a code; load the link in your browser to confirm that your email address is valid.
confirmleave-warning (talk) (Translate) Leaving this page may cause you to lose any changes you have made.
confirmrecreate (talk) (Translate) User [[User:$1|$1]] ([[User talk:$1|talk]]) {{GENDER:$1|deleted}} this page after you started editing with reason: : <em>$2</em> Please confirm that you really want to recreate this page.
confirmrecreate-noreason (talk) (Translate) User [[User:$1|$1]] ([[User talk:$1|talk]]) {{GENDER:$1|deleted}} this page after you started editing. Please confirm that you really want to recreate this page.
content-failed-to-parse (talk) (Translate) Failed to parse $2 content for $1 model: $3
content-json-empty-array (talk) (Translate) Empty array
content-json-empty-object (talk) (Translate) Empty object
content-model-css (talk) (Translate) CSS
content-model-javascript (talk) (Translate) JavaScript
content-model-json (talk) (Translate) JSON
content-model-text (talk) (Translate) plain text
content-model-wikitext (talk) (Translate) wikitext
content-not-allowed-here (talk) (Translate) "$1" content is not allowed on page [[:$2]] in slot "$3"
contentmodelediterror (talk) (Translate) You cannot edit this revision because its content model is <code>$1</code>, which differs from the current content model of the page <code>$2</code>.
continue-editing (talk) (Translate) Go to editing area
contribslink (talk) (Translate) contribs
contribsub2 (talk) (Translate) For {{GENDER:$3|$1}} ($2)
contributions (talk) (Translate) User contributions
contributions-subtitle (talk) (Translate) For {{GENDER:$3|$1}}
contributions-summary (talk) (Translate)  
contributions-title (talk) (Translate) User contributions for $1
contributions-userdoesnotexist (talk) (Translate) User account "$1" is not registered.
converter-manual-rule-error (talk) (Translate) Error detected in manual language conversion rule
copyright (talk) (Translate) Content is available under $1 unless otherwise noted.
Content is available under the $1 unless otherwise noted.
copyrightpage (talk) (Translate) {{ns:project}}:Copyrights
copyrightwarning (talk) (Translate) Please note that all contributions to {{SITENAME}} are considered to be released under the $2 (see $1 for details). If you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, then do not submit it here.<br /> You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource. <strong>Do not submit copyrighted work without permission!</strong>
copyrightwarning2 (talk) (Translate) Please note that all contributions to {{SITENAME}} may be edited, altered, or removed by other contributors. If you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly, then do not submit it here.<br /> You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource (see $1 for details). <strong>Do not submit copyrighted work without permission!</strong>
copyupload-allowed-domains (talk) (Translate)  
copyuploaddisabled (talk) (Translate) Upload by URL disabled.
create (talk) (Translate) Create
create-local (talk) (Translate) Add local description
createaccount (talk) (Translate) Create account
createaccount-hook-aborted (talk) (Translate) $1
createaccount-text (talk) (Translate) Someone created an account for your email address on {{SITENAME}} ($4) named "$2", with password "$3". You should log in and change your password now. You may ignore this message, if this account was created in error.
createaccount-title (talk) (Translate) Account creation for {{SITENAME}}
createaccountblock (talk) (Translate) account creation disabled
createaccounterror (talk) (Translate) Could not create account: $1
createaccountmail (talk) (Translate) Use a temporary random password and send it to the specified email address
createaccountmail-help (talk) (Translate) Can be used to create account for another person without learning the password.
createacct-another-continue-submit (talk) (Translate) Continue account creation
createacct-another-email-ph (talk) (Translate) Enter email address
createacct-another-realname-tip (talk) (Translate) Real name is optional. If you choose to provide it, this will be used for giving the user attribution for their work.
createacct-another-submit (talk) (Translate) Create account
createacct-another-username-ph (talk) (Translate) Enter the username
createacct-benefit-body1 (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|edit|edits}}
createacct-benefit-body2 (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}
createacct-benefit-body3 (talk) (Translate) recent {{PLURAL:$1|contributor|contributors}}
createacct-benefit-head1 (talk) (Translate) {{NUMBEROFEDITS}}
createacct-benefit-head2 (talk) (Translate) {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}
createacct-benefit-head3 (talk) (Translate) {{NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS}}
createacct-benefit-heading (talk) (Translate) {{SITENAME}} is made by people like you.
createacct-benefit-icon1 (talk) (Translate) icon-edits
createacct-benefit-icon2 (talk) (Translate) icon-pages
createacct-benefit-icon3 (talk) (Translate) icon-contributors
createacct-continue-submit (talk) (Translate) Continue account creation
createacct-email-ph (talk) (Translate) Enter your email address
createacct-emailoptional (talk) (Translate) Email address (optional)
createacct-emailrequired (talk) (Translate) Email address
createacct-error (talk) (Translate) Account creation error
createacct-helpusername (talk) (Translate)  
createacct-imgcaptcha-help (talk) (Translate)  
createacct-loginerror (talk) (Translate) The account was successfully created but you could not be logged in automatically. Please proceed to [[Special:UserLogin|manual login]].
createacct-normalization (talk) (Translate) Your username will be adjusted to "$2" due to technical restrictions.
createacct-realname (talk) (Translate) Real name (optional)
createacct-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason (publicly logged)
createacct-reason-confirm (talk) (Translate) The reason you entered was an email address. If this is intended, please click "create account" again
createacct-reason-help (talk) (Translate) Message shown in the account creation log
createacct-reason-ph (talk) (Translate) Why you are creating another account
createacct-submit (talk) (Translate) Create your account
createacct-temp-warning (talk) (Translate) The edits you made with your temporary account will not be carried over to your permanent one.
createacct-username-help (talk) (Translate)  
createacct-useuniquepass (talk) (Translate) It is recommended to use a unique password that you are not using on any other website.
createacct-yourpassword-ph (talk) (Translate) Enter a password
createacct-yourpasswordagain (talk) (Translate) Confirm password
createacct-yourpasswordagain-ph (talk) (Translate) Enter password again
created (talk) (Translate) created
creating (talk) (Translate) Creating $1
credentialsform-account (talk) (Translate) Account name:
credentialsform-provider (talk) (Translate) Credentials type:
creditspage (talk) (Translate) Page credits
cur (talk) (Translate) cur
currentevents (talk) (Translate) Current events
currentevents-url (talk) (Translate) Project:Current events
currentrev (talk) (Translate) Latest revision
currentrev-asof (talk) (Translate) Latest revision as of $1
currentrevisionlink (talk) (Translate) Latest revision
customcssprotected (talk) (Translate) You do not have permission to edit this CSS page because it contains another user's personal settings.
customjsonprotected (talk) (Translate) You do not have permission to edit this JSON page because it contains another user's personal settings.
customjsprotected (talk) (Translate) You do not have permission to edit this JavaScript page because it contains another user's personal settings.
databaseerror (talk) (Translate) Database error
databaseerror-error (talk) (Translate) Error: $1
databaseerror-function (talk) (Translate) Function: $1
databaseerror-query (talk) (Translate) Query: $1
databaseerror-text (talk) (Translate) A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software.
databaseerror-textcl (talk) (Translate) A database query error has occurred.
databaselocked (talk) (Translate) The database is already locked.
databasenotlocked (talk) (Translate) The database is not locked.
datatypes-type-math (talk) (Translate) Mathematical expression
date (talk) (Translate) From date (and earlier):
date-range-from (talk) (Translate) From date:
date-range-to (talk) (Translate) To date:
datedefault (talk) (Translate) No preference
days (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|$1 day|$1 days}}
days-abbrev (talk) (Translate) $1 d
dberr-again (talk) (Translate) Try waiting a few minutes and reloading.
dberr-info (talk) (Translate) (Cannot access the database: $1)
dberr-info-hidden (talk) (Translate) (Cannot access the database)
dberr-problems (talk) (Translate) Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties.
deadendpages (talk) (Translate) Dead-end pages
deadendpages-summary (talk) (Translate)  
deadendpagestext (talk) (Translate) The following pages do not link to other pages in {{SITENAME}}.
dec (talk) (Translate) Dec
december (talk) (Translate) December
december-gen (talk) (Translate) December
default (talk) (Translate) default
default-skin-not-found (talk) (Translate) Whoops! The default skin for your wiki, defined in <code dir="ltr">$wgDefaultSkin</code> as <code>$1</code>, is not available. Your installation seems to include the following {{PLURAL:$4|skin|skins}}. See [ Manual: Skin configuration] for information how to enable {{PLURAL:$4|it|them and choose the default}}. $2 ; If you have just installed MediaWiki: : You probably installed from git, or directly from the source code using some other method. This is expected. Try installing some skins from ['s skin directory], by: :* Downloading the [ tarball installer], which comes with several skins and extensions. You can copy and paste the <code>skins/</code> directory from it. :* Downloading individual skin tarballs from []. :* [ Using Git to download skins]. : Doing this should not interfere with your git repository if you're a MediaWiki developer. ; If you have just upgraded MediaWiki: : MediaWiki 1.24 and newer no longer automatically enables installed skins (see [ Manual: Skin autodiscovery]). You can paste the following {{PLURAL:$5|line|lines}} into <code>LocalSettings.php</code> to enable {{PLURAL:$5|the|all}} installed {{PLURAL:$5|skin|skins}}: <pre dir="ltr">$3</pre> ; If you have just modified <code>LocalSettings.php</code>: : Double-check the skin names for typos.
default-skin-not-found-no-skins (talk) (Translate) Whoops! The default skin for your wiki, defined in <code>$wgDefaultSkin</code> as <code>$1</code>, is not available. You have no installed skins. ; If you have just installed or upgraded MediaWiki: : You probably installed from git, or directly from the source code using some other method. This is expected. MediaWiki 1.24 and newer doesn't include any skins in the main repository. Try installing some skins from ['s skin directory], by: :* Downloading the [ tarball installer], which comes with several skins and extensions. You can copy and paste the <code>skins/</code> directory from it. :* Downloading individual skin tarballs from []. :* [ Using Git to download skins]. : Doing this should not interfere with your git repository if you're a MediaWiki developer. See [ Manual: Skin configuration] for information how to enable skins and choose the default.
default-skin-not-found-row-disabled (talk) (Translate) * <code>$1</code> / $2 (<strong>disabled</strong>)
default-skin-not-found-row-enabled (talk) (Translate) * <code>$1</code> / $2 (enabled)
defaultmessagetext (talk) (Translate) Default message text
defemailsubject (talk) (Translate) {{SITENAME}} email from user "$1"
deflate-invaliddeflate (talk) (Translate) Content provided is not properly deflated
delete (talk) (Translate) Delete
delete-confirm (talk) (Translate) Delete "$1"
delete-edit-reasonlist (talk) (Translate) Edit deletion reasons
delete-edit-reasonlist-suppress (talk) (Translate) Edit suppress reasons
delete-error-associated-alreadytalk (talk) (Translate) Cannot delete associated talk page of a talk page.
delete-error-associated-doesnotexist (talk) (Translate) Cannot delete a non-existing associated talk page.
delete-hook-aborted (talk) (Translate) Deletion aborted by hook. It gave no explanation.
delete-legend (talk) (Translate) Delete
delete-scheduled (talk) (Translate) The page "$1" is scheduled for deletion. Please be patient.
delete-talk-summary-prefix (talk) (Translate) Deleted together with the associated page with reason: $1
delete-toobig (talk) (Translate) This page has a large edit history, over $1 {{PLURAL:$1|revision|revisions}}. Deletion of such pages has been restricted to prevent accidental disruption of {{SITENAME}}.
delete-toomanyrevisions (talk) (Translate) You are trying to delete more than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|revision|revisions}} at a time. Such an operation has been restricted to prevent accidental disruption of {{SITENAME}}.
delete-warning-toobig (talk) (Translate) This page has a large edit history, over $1 {{PLURAL:$1|revision|revisions}}. Deleting it may disrupt database operations of {{SITENAME}}; proceed with caution.
delete_and_move_confirm (talk) (Translate) Yes, delete the page
delete_and_move_reason (talk) (Translate) Deleted to make way for move from "[[$1]]"
delete_and_move_text (talk) (Translate) The destination page "[[:$1]]" already exists. Do you want to delete it to make way for the move?
delete_redirect_and_move_text (talk) (Translate) The destination page "[[:$1]]" already exists as a redirect. Do you want to delete it to make way for the move?
deletecomment (talk) (Translate) Reason:
deleted-page-and-talkpage (talk) (Translate) "$1" and "$2" have been deleted. See $3 for a record of recent deletions.
deletedarticle (talk) (Translate) deleted "[[$1]]"
deletedcontributions (talk) (Translate) Deleted user contributions
deletedcontributions-summary (talk) (Translate)  
deletedcontributions-title (talk) (Translate) Deleted user contributions for $1
deletedhist (talk) (Translate) Deleted history
deletedrevision (talk) (Translate) Deleted old revision $1
deletedtext (talk) (Translate) "$1" has been deleted. See $2 for a record of recent deletions.
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