2023-10-14 Solar Eclipse/partiality/ephemerides

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Ephemerides for the Partial Solar Eclipse of 2023-10-14 in Western Maryland (USA) generated by Occult from the International Occultation Timing Association (IOTA) and Stellarium.



S O L A R     E C L I P S E     P R E D I C T I O N   for 2023 Oct 14 
                    Cove Overlook Rest Area
 East Longitude - 79 17.22
       Latitude   39 40.76
       Altitude  849 m.

         TT-UTC  69.2 secs    Prediction basis: DE440
        UT1-UTC  0.0 secs    ▲T [= TT-UT1]  69.2 secs

Event               UTC       P.A.   alt.      Differential Corrections
                  h  m  s       o      o          A       B       C
First Contact    15 54 38     280     40         2.46    0.21   -0.04
Second Contact   .. .. ..
Maximum Eclipse  17 14  6             42         1.69   -1.43   -0.05
Third Contact    .. .. ..
Last Contact     18 35 15     165     38         0.81   -2.57   -0.07

Magnitude at Maximum Eclipse 0.442

At Maximum Eclipse
Distance from Centre of eclipse    0.306413     151.7   136.9    0.09

Planetary elongations
Mercury 4° W    Venus 46° W    Mars 11° E    Jupiter 158° W    Saturn 130° E

Differential Corrections:
Units: for Contact Times - seconds; Distance - 0.000001
A and B - per arc minute, C - per km in altitude


Type: star
Magnitude: -26.34 (reduced to -26.15 by 1.49 Airmasses)
Absolute Magnitude: 4.83
Color Index (B-V): 0.66
RA/Dec (J2000.0): 199.17845°/-8.1062°
RA/Dec (on date): 199.48697°/-8.2310°
HA/Dec: 0.01575h/-8.2124° (apparent)
Az./Alt.: 180.3151°/42.1077° (apparent)
Gal. long./lat.: 313.6773°/54.2374°
Supergal. long./lat.: 125.7325°/2.9758°
Ecl. long./lat. (J2000.0): 200.7617°/-0.0002°
Ecl. long./lat. (on date): 201.0916°/-0.0015°
Ecliptic obliquity (on date): 23.4386°
Mean Sidereal Time: 13h18m54.1s
Apparent Sidereal Time: 13h18m53.6s
Rise: 7h26m
Transit: 13h03m
Set: 18h40m
Morning twilight (h=-6.0°): 6h59m
Evening twilight (h=-6.0°): 19h07m
Daytime: 11h14m
Parallactic Angle: 0.2451°
IAU Constellation: Vir
Hourly motion: 0.0408° towards 112.1°
Hourly motion: dα=0.0382° dδ=-0.0155°
Distance: 0.997 AU (149.223 M km)
Light time: 0h08m17.8s 
Apparent diameter: 0.53424°
Diameter: 1391400.0 km
Eclipse magnitude: 0.433
Eclipse obscuration: 31.37%
Moon/Sun diameter ratio: 0.950 (annular)
Central eclipse duration: 5m 5s
Center of solar eclipse (Lat./Long.): 25.9989°/-95.5645°
Shadow center point is 2143.6 km towards azimuth 229.7°
Width of antumbra: 188.0 km
Lunar Az./Alt.: 180.63°/41.94°

Type: moon
Magnitude: -2.73 (reduced to -2.54 by 1.50 Airmasses)
Absolute Magnitude: 0.21
Mean Opposition Magnitude: -12.74
RA/Dec (J2000.0): 198.94233°/-8.2767°
RA/Dec (on date): 199.25090°/-8.4017°
HA/Dec: 0.03148h/-8.3829° (apparent)
Az./Alt.: 180.6280°/41.9356° (apparent)
Gal. long./lat.: 313.2356°/54.1076°
Supergal. long./lat.: 125.8306°/2.7036°
Ecl. long./lat. (J2000.0): 200.6092°/-0.2461°
Ecl. long./lat. (on date): 200.9391°/-0.2474°
Ecliptic obliquity (on date): 23.4386°
Mean Sidereal Time: 13h18m54.1s
Apparent Sidereal Time: 13h18m53.6s
Rise: 7h14m
Transit: 13h02m
Set: 18h41m
Parallactic Angle: 0.4885°
IAU Constellation: Vir
Hourly motion: 0.3654° towards 130.7°
Hourly motion: dα=0.2785° dδ=-0.2400°
Elongation: 0.2923°
Elong. in Ecl.Long.: W0.1525°
Phase angle: 179.7069°
Illuminated: 0.0%
Distance from Sun: 0.995 AU (148.829 M km)
Distance: 0.002626 AU (392835.197 km)
Light time: 0h00m01.3s 
Orbital velocity: 0.995 km/s
Heliocentric velocity: 28.870 km/s
Sidereal period: 27.32 days (0.075 a)
Synodic period: 29.53 days (0.081 a)
Apparent diameter: 0.50680°
Diameter: 3474.8 km
Sidereal day: 655h43m11.6s
Mean solar day: 708h44m02.9s
Equatorial rotation velocity: 4.624 m/s
Moon age: 29.5 days old (New Moon)
Position angle of bright limb: 53.9°
Position Angle of axis: 20.5°
Libration: 3.8° towards 278.1° (E!)
Libration: -3.7°/-0.5°
Subsolar point: 176.6°/0.1°
Colongitude: 273.4°
Albedo: 0.12
Solar Az./Alt.: 180.32°/42.11°



S O L A R     E C L I P S E     P R E D I C T I O N   for 2023 Oct 14 
                    Allegany College of Maryland Cumberland Campus
 East Longitude - 78 43.88
       Latitude   39 39.09
       Altitude  205 m.

         TT-UTC  69.2 secs    Prediction basis: DE440
        UT1-UTC  0.0 secs    ▲T [= TT-UT1]  69.2 secs

Event               UTC       P.A.   alt.      Differential Corrections
                  h  m  s       o      o          A       B       C
First Contact    15 56  1     280     40         2.50    0.21   -0.04
Second Contact   .. .. ..
Maximum Eclipse  17 15  8             42         1.69   -1.45   -0.05
Third Contact    .. .. ..
Last Contact     18 35 47     165     37         0.80   -2.60   -0.07

Magnitude at Maximum Eclipse 0.434

At Maximum Eclipse
Distance from Centre of eclipse    0.311182     151.1   135.3    0.09

Planetary elongations
Mercury 4° W    Venus 46° W    Mars 11° E    Jupiter 158° W    Saturn 130° E

Differential Corrections:
Units: for Contact Times - seconds; Distance - 0.000001
A and B - per arc minute, C - per km in altitude


Type: star
Magnitude: -26.34 (reduced to -26.14 by 1.49 Airmasses)
Absolute Magnitude: 4.83
Color Index (B-V): 0.66
RA/Dec (J2000.0): 199.18545°/-8.1090°
RA/Dec (on date): 199.49397°/-8.2339°
HA/Dec: 0.23664h/-8.2152° (apparent)
Az./Alt.: 184.7314°/42.0204° (apparent)
Gal. long./lat.: 313.6882°/54.2334°
Supergal. long./lat.: 125.7372°/2.9816°
Ecl. long./lat. (J2000.0): 200.7692°/-0.0002°
Ecl. long./lat. (on date): 201.0991°/-0.0016°
Ecliptic obliquity (on date): 23.4386°
Mean Sidereal Time: 13h32m11.3s
Apparent Sidereal Time: 13h32m10.8s
Rise: 7h24m
Transit: 13h01m
Set: 18h37m
Morning twilight (h=-6.0°): 6h57m
Evening twilight (h=-6.0°): 19h05m
Daytime: 11h14m
Parallactic Angle: 3.6790°
IAU Constellation: Vir
Hourly motion: 0.0408° towards 112.1°
Hourly motion: dα=0.0382° dδ=-0.0155°
Distance: 0.997 AU (149.222 M km)
Light time: 0h08m17.8s 
Apparent diameter: 0.53424°
Diameter: 1391400.0 km
Eclipse magnitude: 0.434
Eclipse obscuration: 31.48%
Moon/Sun diameter ratio: 0.951 (annular)
Central eclipse duration: 5m 8s
Center of solar eclipse (Lat./Long.): 22.7626°/-92.5351°
Shadow center point is 2282.2 km towards azimuth 218.8°
Width of antumbra: 185.7 km
Lunar Az./Alt.: 184.98°/41.80°

Type: moon
Magnitude: -2.73 (reduced to -2.54 by 1.50 Airmasses)
Absolute Magnitude: 0.21
Mean Opposition Magnitude: -12.74
RA/Dec (J2000.0): 198.98653°/-8.3202°
RA/Dec (on date): 199.29514°/-8.4452°
HA/Dec: 0.24989h/-8.4264° (apparent)
Az./Alt.: 184.9763°/41.7967° (apparent)
Gal. long./lat.: 313.2972°/54.0576°
Supergal. long./lat.: 125.8848°/2.7333°
Ecl. long./lat. (J2000.0): 200.6661°/-0.2700°
Ecl. long./lat. (on date): 200.9960°/-0.2713°
Ecliptic obliquity (on date): 23.4386°
Mean Sidereal Time: 13h32m11.3s
Apparent Sidereal Time: 13h32m10.8s
Rise: 7h12m
Transit: 13h00m
Set: 18h39m
Parallactic Angle: 3.8714°
IAU Constellation: Vir
Hourly motion: 0.3645° towards 130.5°
Hourly motion: dα=0.2788° dδ=-0.2384°
Elongation: 0.2908°
Elong. in Ecl.Long.: W0.1031°
Phase angle: 179.7084°
Illuminated: 0.0%
Distance from Sun: 0.995 AU (148.829 M km)
Distance: 0.002626 AU (392823.967 km)
Light time: 0h00m01.3s 
Orbital velocity: 0.995 km/s
Heliocentric velocity: 28.870 km/s
Sidereal period: 27.32 days (0.075 a)
Synodic period: 29.53 days (0.081 a)
Apparent diameter: 0.50682°
Diameter: 3474.8 km
Sidereal day: 655h43m11.6s
Mean solar day: 708h44m02.9s
Equatorial rotation velocity: 4.624 m/s
Moon age: 29.5 days old (New Moon)
Position angle of bright limb: 43.0°
Position Angle of axis: 20.5°
Libration: 3.8° towards 277.9° (E!)
Libration: -3.8°/-0.5°
Subsolar point: 176.6°/0.1°
Colongitude: 273.4°
Albedo: 0.12
Solar Az./Alt.: 184.73°/42.02°



S O L A R     E C L I P S E     P R E D I C T I O N   for 2023 Oct 14 
                    Hagerstown Regional Airport
 East Longitude - 77 43.90
       Latitude   39 42.18
       Altitude  209 m.

         TT-UTC  69.2 secs    Prediction basis: DE440
        UT1-UTC  0.0 secs    ▲T [= TT-UT1]  69.2 secs

Event               UTC       P.A.   alt.      Differential Corrections
                  h  m  s       o      o          A       B       C
First Contact    15 58 35     279     40         2.58    0.21   -0.03
Second Contact   .. .. ..
Maximum Eclipse  17 16 54             42         1.70   -1.48   -0.04
Third Contact    .. .. ..
Last Contact     18 36 26     166     37         0.77   -2.63   -0.07

Magnitude at Maximum Eclipse 0.418

At Maximum Eclipse
Distance from Centre of eclipse    0.320625     149.7   132.4    0.09

Planetary elongations
Mercury 4° W    Venus 46° W    Mars 11° E    Jupiter 158° W    Saturn 130° E

Differential Corrections:
Units: for Contact Times - seconds; Distance - 0.000001
A and B - per arc minute, C - per km in altitude


Type: star
Magnitude: -26.36 (reduced to -26.17 by 1.50 Airmasses)
Absolute Magnitude: 4.83
Color Index (B-V): 0.66
RA/Dec (J2000.0): 199.18654°/-8.1095°
RA/Dec (on date): 199.49506°/-8.2343°
HA/Dec: 0.33270h/-8.2156° (apparent)
Az./Alt.: 186.6382°/41.8590° (apparent)
Gal. long./lat.: 313.6899°/54.2328°
Supergal. long./lat.: 125.7380°/2.9825°
Ecl. long./lat. (J2000.0): 200.7703°/-0.0003°
Ecl. long./lat. (on date): 201.1003°/-0.0016°
Ecliptic obliquity (on date): 23.4386°
Mean Sidereal Time: 13h37m57.5s
Apparent Sidereal Time: 13h37m56.9s
Rise: 7h20m
Transit: 12h57m
Set: 18h33m
Morning twilight (h=-6.0°): 6h53m
Evening twilight (h=-6.0°): 19h01m
Daytime: 11h14m
Parallactic Angle: 5.1556°
IAU Constellation: Vir
Hourly motion: 0.0408° towards 112.1°
Hourly motion: dα=0.0382° dδ=-0.0155°
Distance: 0.997 AU (149.222 M km)
Light time: 0h08m17.8s 
Apparent diameter: 0.53424°
Diameter: 1391400.0 km
Eclipse magnitude: 0.417
Eclipse obscuration: 29.80%
Moon/Sun diameter ratio: 0.951 (annular)
Central eclipse duration: 5m 9s
Center of solar eclipse (Lat./Long.): 22.2629°/-92.0919°
Shadow center point is 2363.8 km towards azimuth 219.2°
Width of antumbra: 185.4 km
Lunar Az./Alt.: 186.88°/41.62°

Type: moon
Magnitude: -2.73 (reduced to -2.54 by 1.51 Airmasses)
Absolute Magnitude: 0.21
Mean Opposition Magnitude: -12.74
RA/Dec (J2000.0): 198.98219°/-8.3276°
RA/Dec (on date): 199.29080°/-8.4526°
HA/Dec: 0.34631h/-8.4337° (apparent)
Az./Alt.: 186.8810°/41.6232° (apparent)
Gal. long./lat.: 313.2880°/54.0509°
Supergal. long./lat.: 125.8907°/2.7271°
Ecl. long./lat. (J2000.0): 200.6649°/-0.2784°
Ecl. long./lat. (on date): 200.9948°/-0.2798°
Ecliptic obliquity (on date): 23.4386°
Mean Sidereal Time: 13h37m57.5s
Apparent Sidereal Time: 13h37m56.9s
Rise: 7h08m
Transit: 12h56m
Set: 18h35m
Parallactic Angle: 5.3468°
IAU Constellation: Vir
Hourly motion: 0.3644° towards 130.4°
Hourly motion: dα=0.2793° dδ=-0.2377°
Elongation: 0.2996°
Elong. in Ecl.Long.: W0.1054°
Phase angle: 179.6997°
Illuminated: 0.0%
Distance from Sun: 0.995 AU (148.829 M km)
Distance: 0.002626 AU (392834.540 km)
Light time: 0h00m01.3s 
Orbital velocity: 0.995 km/s
Heliocentric velocity: 28.870 km/s
Sidereal period: 27.32 days (0.075 a)
Synodic period: 29.53 days (0.081 a)
Apparent diameter: 0.50680°
Diameter: 3474.8 km
Sidereal day: 655h43m11.6s
Mean solar day: 708h44m02.9s
Equatorial rotation velocity: 4.624 m/s
Moon age: 29.5 days old (New Moon)
Position angle of bright limb: 42.8°
Position Angle of axis: 20.5°
Libration: 3.8° towards 277.9° (E!)
Libration: -3.8°/-0.5°
Subsolar point: 176.5°/0.1°
Colongitude: 273.5°
Albedo: 0.12
Solar Az./Alt.: 186.64°/41.86°